These known issues have been identified in the Networking family of services, including
internal connections within a VCN and connectivity to on-premises networks.
The default FTP client provided by Microsoft Windows only supports FTP in active mode,
which doesn't work with the Oracle's stateful firewall rules or with instances deployed
behind a NAT gateway.
Oracle recommends that Windows instances use a third-party FTP client running in passive
CPE Configuration Helper trouble specifying the CPE vendor 🔗
If the following things occur, in the Oracle Console
you receive an error that says The CPE is missing the vendor information (the device
type). Update the CPE and add the vendor information:
You have not yet edited the CPE in the Oracle Console and specified which vendor makes your CPE.
You try to generate the Helper content for the CPE or any IPSec connections that use
that CPE.
Perform the following actions:
In the Oracle Console, view the CPE.
Click Edit.
In the CPE Vendor Information section, select the vendor that makes your CPE.
If you're not sure which vendor makes your CPE, or it's not in the list, select
If prompted, select a value for Platform/Version. Here are guidelines:
Oracle recommends using a route-based configuration if possible.
If you do not see your specific CPE platform or version in the list, choose the
closest platform/version that predates your CPE version.
Click Save Changes. It's important to click this even if you did not change
the value for the vendor.
You can then generate the Helper content successfully for the CPE or any IPSec
connections that use that CPE.
Private access issues from your on-premises network to Oracle Analytics Cloud through a
service gateway 🔗
If you do all of the following, asymmetric routing can occur for the traffic
between your on-premises network and Oracle Analytics Cloud:
Also use the internet or FastConnect
public peering for public access to Oracle services.
Also use Oracle Analytics Cloud so that it that initiates connection
to clients in your on-premises network, and you are not yet using a
Data Gateway in your network.
Asymmetric routing means that the request traffic and response
traffic go over different paths. Here are more details about why asymmetric
routing can occur: When Oracle Analytics Cloud initiates connections to
clients in your on-premises network, the connection requests must go
over a public path (either the internet or FastConnect public peering). However, the
response travels over a private path, based on the recommendation
in Routing Preferences for Traffic from An On-premises Network to Oracle.
A workaround is required only if you use Oracle Analytics Cloud so that it
initiates connections to clients in your on-premises network, and you are not
yet using a Data Gateway in your network.
Workaround 1 (preferred)
With Oracle Analytics Cloud, switch from using a Remote Data Connector to a Data Gateway .
Workaround 2
Configure your customer-premises equipment (CPE) to prefer either an internet or FastConnect public peering path by adding static
routes for the regional source IP
address for Oracle Analytics Cloud. That way, any response traffic to
Oracle Analytics Cloud will return on the same path as the incoming connection
Issues with access to your public instances from Oracle services through a service gateway 🔗
If the route table associated with your public subnet in a VCN includes the following
two conflicting route rules, Oracle services might be unable to access your public
instances in that subnet.
Route rule with the Target Type set as internet gateway.
Route rule with the Destination Service set as All
<region> Services in Oracle Services Network and
the Target Type set as service gateway.
The foregoing two route rules can lead to asymmetric routing when Oracle services
initiate connections to public instances in your VCN. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure does not support these rules simultaneously
within the same route table. Oracle has updated the service APIs and the Console to disable support for this configuration.
We recommend that you remove the route rule that has the Destination Service
set as All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
and the Target Type set as service gateway. Revert to the configuration
you used before adopting the service gateway for Oracle Services Network. With this
change, your public instances retain access to all Oracle services through the internet
gateway. Oracle services can continue to access your public instances.
However, your instances in the public subnet can continue to access Object Storage through the service gateway. Update the
subnet's route table to include a route rule with Destination Service set as
OCI <region> Object Storage and the Target set
to the VCN's service gateway.
This known issue applies only to public subnets that have access to an internet
gateway. Regarding private subnets: you can still configure a private subnet's route
table to provide access to All <region> Services in Oracle
Services Network or to OCI <region> Object Storage
through the VCN's service gateway.
Access issues for instances to Oracle yum services through service gateway 🔗
If you want to use a service gateway with your VCN without also using an internet
gateway or NAT gateway for internet access, your instances might not have access to
the applicable regional Oracle yum server. There are two possible issues:
Instances created before November 2018 might have their repos pointed to URLs that
are not accessible through the service gateway
Instances that were not able to contact their local region's yum server before may
have fallen back to using, which is not accessible through the service
To use either of the following mitigation strategies, you must have one of the following
gateways configured so you can reach out to the region's yum server: service gateway, NAT
gateway, or internet gateway.
Workaround 1 (automated)
Try the following automated mitigation. If it fails for some reason, use the manual
mitigation method that follows.
Copy the following script the to local system and run it. The script disables existing
repos and downloads the repo file, which directs the system to the region's local yum
servers accessible through the service gateway.
REGION=$(curl -sfm 3 | jq -r '.region' | cut -d '-' -f 2)
VERSION=$(egrep '^VERSION_ID' /etc/os-release | cut -d '"' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1)
echo "Disabling existing repos"
for i in $REPOS
if [[ "$i" != *".disabled" ]]; then
mv $i $i.disabled
echo "$i disabled"
echo "$i repofile already disabled"
yum clean all
echo "Pulling new regional repository file"
wget -q $REPOURL -O "$REPODIR/yum-${REGION}-ol${VERSION}.repo"
if [[ "$retval" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Unable to pull repo file, please run manual steps"
exit 1
yum makecache fast
Workaround 2 (manual)
If the automated mitigation fails, you can manually mitigate the issue. Here you disable the existing repo files and pull down the latest repo file from your region's yum server. To identify your instance's region key, look at the region list in Regions and Availability Domains.
To disable the existing repo files, navigate to the /etc/yum.repos.d
directory and rename all files present to include .disabled at the end
of the file name.
ls /etc/yum.repos.d ksplice-uptrack.repo.disabled public-yum-ol7.repo.disabled
Download the repo file for your region to the local system. The following example uses
Ashburn (with region key iad). Replace iad with the
region key applicable to your instance.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
chown root:root yum-iad-ol7.repo
yum makecache fast