To begin using your Oracle Applications service, you need to activate your order. For
some applications, you'll also need to provision the environment.
Order activation associates the subscription with an Oracle account. This step is the
same for all applications orders. If you don't have an account, you will be guided to
create one. If you already have an Oracle account, you can choose to add this order to
an existing account.
Activating Your Order from Your Welcome Email
After your order is processed, you receive an email with the subject line:
Action required: add your service(s) to an Oracle Cloud Account
Anyone who is forwarded the email can do the activation of your services, however, the
process can differ whether you:
Already have an existing cloud account and will activate the associated subscription
into it.
You need to create a new cloud account and activate the associated
If you are already an Oracle cloud customer with a cloud account and would like to activate the service in an existing tenancy, perform the following steps:
Open the email you received from Oracle Cloud.
Review the information about adding your subscription in the email.
Select Add to existing cloud account at the bottom of the email.
Your web browser opens, where you can sign in: Enter your cloud Tenant name and select Continue.
Enter your username and password and select Sign In.
The Add Subscription page is displayed, where you can add the new subscription to your tenancy. The page indicates the subscription name, subscription ID, and subscription description (with product SKU).
Adding a subscription to a tenancy cannot be undone.
Select Add subscription.
The subscriptions are added to the tenancy, and the Applications home is displayed. A tile for your application is displayed under Subscriptions.
If you are a new cloud customer, perform the following steps:
Open the email you received from Oracle Cloud.
Review the subscription details in the email.
Select Create new cloud account at the bottom of the email.
Your web browser opens, displaying the New Cloud Account Information sign up form.
Enter your First name, Last name, and Email address. The email address is also the username for signing in to the account. The person you specify here will be the first administrator to access the account and can create other users. This person also has full administrator permissions in your account.
Enter a Password and confirmation.
Enter a Tenancy Name. This is also called your cloud account name. When choosing a tenancy name, be aware of the following:
The tenancy name or cloud account name is used to identify your account. The name is also used to create the URLs to access your cloud services. For example, if you call your tenancy "abccorp", an application URL might look like:
The tenancy name must be unique, start with a lowercase letter and have no more than 25 lowercase letters or numbers. You can't use spaces or special characters.
Select a Home region where your services will be hosted.
Your home region is the geographic location where your account and identity resources will be created. You can't change this after signing up. If you are not sure which region to select as your home region, contact your sales representative before you create your account.
Read the Terms of Use.
Select Create Tenancy.
The tenancy provisioning step can take from several minutes to an hour, depending on your service subscriptions.
When your new tenancy is created, you will receive an email notifying you that your cloud account and services are ready. Select the Sign In button in the email to sign in for the first time with the credentials you set up.
After you sign in, the Applications home page is displayed. Your subscriptions are shown as tiles. Select Go to service to begin working with your subscription.
If your organization subscribed to Oracle Fusion Suite, you will receive two welcome emails, one for the Fusion Applications and another for Enterprise Performance Management. Use the email you receive for Fusion Applications first, to activate the Fusion subscription into a new or an existing Cloud account. Then, activate Enterprise Performance Management in the same Cloud account.
Next Steps 🔗
The steps you take after activating your order depend on whether the application supports
self-service provisioning or the application is provisioned for you by Oracle:
When the application is fully provisioned, Oracle sends an email to the Administrator
address entered during activation. The email contains the URL for the service console to
sign in and begin using the application.
To provision environments for Fusion Applications belonging to Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP), Human Capital Management (HCM), or Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), see Overview of Fusion Applications Environment Management for the steps to plan and provision your
Your application may have specific provisioning guidelines. See your application-specific
documentation. For provisioning steps specific to your application, see your application
documentation below: