IAM Identity Domains Application Catalog

The identity domains Application Catalog in IAM contains pre-built integrations with major cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services and Google Suite that makes integrating with them simple and convenient.


The Application Catalog is a collection of partially configured application templates that Oracle creates and maintains for you. You can use the templates to define the application, configure Single Sign-On, and enable and configure provisioning and synchronization. The Application Catalog templates allow you to onboard applications quickly and securely.

Application templates simplify adding a new application by prepopulating all common attributes and values so that you just have to enter your tenant specific details. When new app templates become available, and identity domain is upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don't need to request an upgrade to be able to access the new application templates—they come to you automatically.

Each support document in the Application Catalog describes how to configure an identity domain to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) for an application using SAML. An application support document typically includes the following sections:

  1. Before You Begin lists the permissions that you must have or the preparation tasks that you must complete to perform the procedures listed in the document.

  2. Configuring the App in Identity Domains details the steps that you perform to register and activate the app, and then to assign users to the app. If applicable, steps to configure provisioning and synchronization are also included in this section.

  3. Configuring SSO for the Application details the steps that you perform to enable SSO/SLO for the app.

  4. Verifying the Integration details verification steps that you can perform to ensure that the SSO/SLO integration works from both the Identity Provider and the Service Provider.

List of Application Catalog Instructions

This section provides a list of the Application Catalog instructions.

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