Classifying an Image by Using a Single Request

Identify scene-based features and objects in an image by calling the image classification pretrained model with a single request in Vision.

The maximum size of each image is 5 MB.

To classify images in batch, see Classifying an Image by Using a Batch Request. For more information about the image classification pretrained model, see Pretrained Image Analysis Models.

    1. On the Vision page, select Image classification.
    2. Select the compartment where you want to store the results.
    3. Select the location of the image, either Local file or Object storage.
    4. (Optional) If you selected Local file, drag the file to the Drop a file are, or select select one... and browse to the image.
    5. (Optional) If you selected Object storage, enter the image URL and select Upload.

      The analyzeImage API is invoked, and the model immediately analyzes the image. The Results area shows the assigned classes with confidence scores, and the request and response JSON.

  • Use the analyze-image command and required parameters to classify the image:

    oci ai-vision analyze-image [OPTIONS]
    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
  • Run the AnalyzeImage operation to analyze an image.