Summary of Share Producer Views

This table lists the share producer views for the DBMS_SHARE package.

View Description
ALL_OBJECT_SHAREABILITY View This view gives information about the shareability, or otherwise, of tables and views visible to the user.
ALL_SHAREABLE_OBJECTS View This view lists all of the tables or views that can be added to a share.
ALL_SHARES View This view lists all share created using CREATE_SHARE.
ALL_SHARE_DEFAULT_SETTINGS View A view containing the default settings for shares and recipients.
ALL_SHARE_EVENTS View This view lists all log events associated with shares.
ALL_SHARE_FILES View A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares.
ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENTS View A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT.
ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_EVENTS View This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.
ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_GRANTS View This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT.
ALL_SHARE_SCHEMAS View This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE.
ALL_SHARE_TABLES View This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE.
ALL_SHARE_VERSIONS View A view listing the different versions of shares.
DBA_SHARE_DETACHED_FILES View This view contains a list of parquet files that we generated by DBMS_SHARE but that have become detached in some way.
DBA_SHARE_EVENTS View This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.
DBA_SHARE_FILES View A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares.
DBA_SHARE_JOB_SEGMENTS View This view contains a list of parquet files that we generated by DBMS_SHARE but that have become detached in some way.
DBA_SHARE_JOBS View List share jobs associated with the current user.
DBA_SHARE_RECIPIENT_EVENTS View This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.
DBA_SHARE_RECIPIENT_GRANTS View This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT.
DBA_SHARE_RECIPIENTS View A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT.
DBA_SHARE_SCHEMAS View This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE.
DBA_SHARE_TABLES View This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE.
DBA_SHARE_VERSIONS View A view listing the different versions of shares.
DBA_SHARES View This view lists all share created using DBMS_SHARE.CREATE_SHARE.
USER_SHARE_DETACHED_FILES View This view contains a list of parquet files that we generated by DBMS_SHARE but that have become detached in some way.
USER_SHARE_EVENTS View This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.
USER_SHARE_FILES View A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares.
USER_SHARE_JOBS View List share jobs associated with the current user.
USER_SHARE_JOB_SEGMENTS View List segments (tables, table partitions, or table sub-partitions) that are being actively processed by running share jobs.
USER_SHARE_RECIPIENT_EVENTS View This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.
USER_SHARE_RECIPIENT_GRANTS View This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT.
USER_SHARE_RECIPIENTS View A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT.
USER_SHARE_SCHEMAS View This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE.
USER_SHARE_TABLES View This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE.
USER_SHARE_VERSIONS View A view listing the different versions of shares.
USER_SHAREABLE_OBJECTS View This view lists all of the tables or views that can be added to a share.
USER_SHARES View This view lists all share created using DBMS_SHARE.CREATE_SHARE.


A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK.

See CREATE_SHARE_LINK Procedure for further information.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the object.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the object.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of the object, TABLE or VIEW.
NUM_ROWS NUMBER The number of rows, if this is a TABLE and if the statistics are available.
PRIV_CODE VARCHAR2 A non NULL value, if you do not have the required privileges to share this object.
  • NO_GRANT_READ_PRIV: You have READ privilege, but not READ WITH GRANT OPTION.
  • PRIV_ERROR: This is an Oracle-maintained object or is otherwise unsupported
SUPPORT_CODE VARCHAR2 A non NULL value, if this object cannot be shared.
  • INVALID: The object is INVALID (e.g. a badly defined VIEW).
  • SHARDED: The table is sharded.
  • NESTED: This is a nested table.
  • EXTERNAL_PARTITIONED: This is an partitioned, external table.
  • EXTERNAL: This is a non-partitioned external table.
  • INDEX_ORGANIZED_TABLE: This is an index organized table.
  • TRACKING_MV: This is a tracking MV created by DBMS_SHARE.
  • NO_SHAREABLE_COLUMNS: None of the columns in the table or view can be shared.
SHARE_METADATA BLOB A JSON document that gives details of which columns are shareable and how they would be represented using parquet.


This view lists all of the tables or views that can be added to a share. Objects that are not shareable may be listed in ALL_OBJECT_SHAREABILITY along with a reason explaining why they are excluded.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the object.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the object.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of the object, TABLE or VIEW.
NUM_ROWS NUMBER The number of rows, if this is a TABLE and if the statistics are available.
SHARE_METADATA BLOB A JSON document that gives details of which columns are shareable and how they would be represented using parquet.
NUM_COLUMNS VARCHAR2 The number of shareable columns in the object.


This view lists all share created using DBMS_SHARE.CREATE_SHARE.

See CREATE_SHARE Procedure for further information.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for this share.
METADATA_PATH VARCHAR2 The lineage metadata path for this share.
METADATA BLOB A JSON document containing additional share metadata.
DESCRIPTION CLOB A local description of the share.
PUBLIC_DESCRIPTION CLOB An externally visible description of the share.
NUM_TABLES NUMBER The number of tables in the share.
NUM_RECIPIENTS NUMBER The number of recipients who have been granted access to the share.
NUM_ORACLE_RECIPIENTS NUMBER The number of Oracle recipients who have been granted access to the share.
STORAGE_FOLDER VARCHAR2 The base URL for any generated parquet files.
ORACLE_SHARE_ID VARCHAR2 A globally unique UUID for the share.
LAST_EXPORT_TIME TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE (VERSIONED ONLY) The time when the currently published version was generated.
LAST_NOTIFICATION TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE The time the last email notification was sent about this share..
CURRENT_VERSION NUMBER The currently published version number.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share was created.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share was last modified.


A view containing the default settings for shares and recipients.

These can be modified (by ADMIN) using UPDATE_DEFAULT_SHARE_PROPERTY and UPDATE_DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PROPERTY. Note that there is no DBA or USER version of this view.

Column Datatype Description
SETTING VARCHAR2 The setting name:
SETTING_VALUE VARCHAR2 The current setting value.


This view lists all log events associated with shares.

Entries can be removed by deleting the associated share or by calling the CLEAR_SHARE_EVENTS Procedure.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share.
STATUS VARCHAR2 An event status, such as INFO or ERROR.
DETAILS CLOB Additional data for the event, typically a JSON document.
TIME TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The time of the event.
LOG_LEVEL NUMBER The detail level for the event: 1-3
SHARE_JOB_ID NUMBER The ID of the share job (from USER_SHARE_JOBS View) that created this event.
SCHEDULER_JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the dbms_scheduler job that created this event.
ACTION VARCHAR2 A code for the event activity.
SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The share version number associated with this event, if relevant.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the table or view being processed, if relevant.
OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the table or view name being processed, if relevant.
PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR2 The partition of the table being processed, if relevant.
SPLIT_ORDER NUMBER The split number, if a single partition is broken into splits.
SQL_STATEMENT CLOB A SQL statement that was executed as part of the event.


A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share.
SHARE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 The share table associated with the file.
SHARE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2 The share schema associated with the file.
SHARE_TABLE_ID NUMBER The numeric ID of the share table (ALL_SHARE_TABLES).
SEGMENT_NAME VARCHAR2 The associated segment name (e.g. a partition), if appropriate.
INITIAL_SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The lowest share version number that requires this file.
EXPIRED_SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The share version number, if any, where this file was removed.
FLE_URI VARCHAR2 The full URI for the file.
FILE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the file within the cloud storage bucket.
BYTES NUMBER The number of bytes in the file.
SPLIT_ORDER NUMBER The split number within the segment.
FILE_STATS BLOB Delta statistics (min/max) for columns in the file.


A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT.

See CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT Procedure for further information.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the recipient object.
RECIPIENT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the recipient.
RECIPIENT_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the recipient
METADATA_PATH VARCHAR2 The lineage path for the recipient.
RECIPIENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of recipient
  • DELTA_SHARING: recipient defined by an email
  • ORACLE: defined by an Oracle sharing ID
  • ORACLE_DELTA: defined by an email and a sharing ID
INFO BLOB Not currently used.
METADATA BLOB JSON metadata associated with this recipient.
DESCRIPTION CLOB A local description of the recipient.
RECIPIENT_SHARING_ID VARCHAR2 (ORACLE) An optional sharing ID for the recipient.
MIN_PAR_INTERVAL INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(0) (DELTA) The shortest lifetime of pre-authenticated requests that will be sent to the consumer.
MAX_PAR_INTERVAL INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(0) (DELTA) The longest lifetime of pre-authenticated requests that will be sent to the consumer.
LOG_LEVEL NUMBER The recipient event log level: 0 - 3
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share recipient was created.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share recipient was last modified.


This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers.

Name Type Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the recipient.
RECIPIENT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the recipient.
RECIPIENT_ID NUMBER The numeric ID of the recipient.
SHARE_ID NUMBER The ID of the share being accessed.
STATUS VARCHAR2 A status code, such as INFO or ERROR.
ENDPOINT VARCHAR2 The delta endpoint being accessed.
REMOTE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 The external address that called the endpoint.
HTTP_USER_AGENT VARCHAR2 The requesting user-agent, from the HTTP request.
HTTP_REFERER VARCHAR2 The referer from the HTTP request.
REQUEST CLOB The request body. This is only logged if the recipient event level is high.
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 Any error message, if the request failed.
ERROR_TRACE VARCHAR2 Any error trace, if the request failed.
ELAPSED INTERVAL DAY(9) TO SECOND(9) The elapsed time taken to process the request.
CPU_TIME NUMBER The CPU time take to process the request
DETAILS CLOB The response details. This is only logged if the recipient event level is high.
TIME TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The time the event was recorded.
LOG_LEVEL NUMBER The detail level of this event: 1-3


This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT.

See GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT Procedure for further information.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share and recipient.
RECIPIENT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the recipient.
RECIPIENT_ID NUMBER The numeric ID of the recipient.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER The numeric ID of the share.
ORDER_NUM NUMBER The grant order.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The time when the grant was made.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The last time when this grant was updated.


This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE.

See ADD_TO_SHARE Procedure for further information.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER The numeric ID for this share.
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share schema, as seen by the share consumers.
SCHEMA_ID NUMBER The numeric ID of the share schema.
METADATA_PATH NUMBER The lineage path for this share schema.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share schema was created.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share schema was last modified.


This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE.

See ADD_TO_SHARE Procedure for further information.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share.
SHARE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share schema, as seen by the share consumers.
SHARE_SCHEMA_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share schema.
SHARE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share schema, as seen by the share consumers.
SHARE_TABLE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share table.
METADATA_PATH VARCHAR2 The lineage path for the share table.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 The local table or view being shared.
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the local table or view being shared.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of object being shared: TABLE or VIEW.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share table was created.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share table was last modified.
STATUS VARCHAR2 The STATUS of the shared object, from ALL_OBJECTS.


A view listing the different versions of shares. For VERSIONED shares, each row represents a particular set of parquet files. For LIVE shares, each row represents a different list of shared objects.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the share.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share.
SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The version of this share.
STATUS VARCHAR2 The status of this version.
EXPORT_TIME TIMESTAMP(9) The time when this version was created.
LAST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP(9) The last time this version was modified.
PROMISED_TO TIMESTAMP(9) The latest expiry time for any pre-authenticated request on a parquet file associated with this version.
EXPORT_SCN NUMBER The System Change Number current when this version was created.
NUM_FILES NUMBER The number of parquet files associated with this version.
NUM_NEW_FILES NUMBER The number of new parquet files created for this version.
NUM_PENDING_FILES NUMBER The number of parquet files that should have been created, but were not for some reason.
NUM_NEW_PENDING_FILES NUMBER The number of pending files that are new as of this version.
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 An error message in the case where the version failed.
TOTAL_FILE_SIZE NUMBER The total size of all parquet files associated with this version.


This view contains a list of parquet files that were generated by DBMS_SHARE but that have become detached in some way.

This could happen, for example, if a share or share version is dropped with the destroy_objects argument set to FALSE. It can also happen if a user with shares is dropped.

Name Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The name of the user who generated the file. This may be NULL if the user has been dropped from the database.
OWNER_ID NUMBER The USER_ID of the user who generated the file. This will remain valid and non-NULL even if the user was dropped.
FILE_URI VARCHAR2 The URL of the generated parquet file.


This view lists all log events associated with shares. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_EVENTS view.

See Also:



A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_FILES view.

See Also:



List segments (tables, table partitions, or table sub-partitions) that are being actively processed by running share jobs. Its columns are the same as those in the USER_SHARE_JOB_SEGMENTS view.


List share jobs associated with the current user. Its columns are the same as those in the USER_SHARE_JOBS view with the addition of an OWNER column.

See Also:



This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_EVENTS view.


This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_GRANTS view.


A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENTS view.


This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_SCHEMAS view.


This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_TABLES view.

See Also:



A view listing the different versions of shares. For VERSIONED shares, each row represents a particular set of parquet files. For LIVE shares, each row represents a different list of shared objects. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_VERSIONS view.


This view lists all share created using DBMS_SHARE.CREATE_SHARE. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARES view.

See Also:



This view contains a list of parquet files that were generated by DBMS_SHARE but that have become detached in some way.

This could happen, for example, if a share or share version is dropped with the destroy_objects argument set to FALSE. It can also happen if a user with shares is dropped. In that case the files would show up in DBA_SHARE_DETACHED_FILES View.

Name Datatype Description
FILE_URI VARCHAR2 The URL of the generated parquet file.


This view lists all log events associated with shares. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_EVENTS view.

See Also:



A view that contains a list of all the parquet files generated by shares. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_FILES view.

See Also:



List share jobs associated with the current user.

Share jobs are created whenever the database needs to run share processes in the background. The PUBLISH_SHARE Procedure initiates a share job.

Column Datatype Description
JOB_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the job.
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share job.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share associated with this job, if relevant.
PARALLELISM NUMBER The number of DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs used to run this share job.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share associated with this job, if relevant.
SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The share version number associated with this job, if relevant.
STATUS VARCHAR2 The status of this job:


List segments (tables, table partitions, or table sub-partitions) that are being actively processed by running share jobs.

Name Datatype Description
JOB_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the job from USER_SHARE_JOBS.
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share job from USER_SHARE_JOBS.
SHARE_ID NUMBER A numeric ID for the share associated with this job, if relevant
PARALLELISM NUMBER The number of DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs used to run this share job.
SHARE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the share associated with this job, if relevant.
SHARE_VERSION NUMBER The share version number associated with this job, if relevant.
STATUS VARCHAR2 The status of this job:
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the object that is being processed.
OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR2 The owner of the object that is being processed.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of object (TABLE or VIEW) that is being processed.
SHARE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the object as it appears in the share.
SHARE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the object's schema as it appears in the share.
PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR2 The name of the active partition or sub-partition, if appropriate.
BYTES VARCHAR2 The size of the segment in bytes.


This view contains records of endpoint request by delta share consumers. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_EVENTS view.


This view contains one row for each share/recipient combination as specified by calls to GRANT_TO_RECIPIENT. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENT_GRANTS view.


A view containing all share recipients created using CREATE_SHARE_RECIPIENT. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_RECIPIENTS view.


This view lists all the share schemas that were added to shares using ADD_TO_SHARE. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_SCHEMAS view.


This view lists all tables or views that were added to share using ADD_TO_SHARE. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_SCHEMAS view.

See Also:



A view listing the different versions of shares. For VERSIONED shares, each row represents a particular set of parquet files. For LIVE shares, each row represents a different list of shared objects. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_VERSIONS view.


This view lists all of the tables or views that can be added to a share. Objects that are not shareable may be listed in ALL_OBJECT_SHAREABILITY along with a reason explaining why they are excluded. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHAREABLE_OBJECTS view.


This view lists all share created using DBMS_SHARE.CREATE_SHARE.

See Also: