What Users Can Do in Insight by Role

Permissions in Insight are defined by a subset of Oracle Integration roles. The role(s) that you are assigned define your persona in Insight.


The following roles do not have any privileges in Insight:
  • ServiceMonitor
  • ServiceDeployer
  • ServiceInvoker
  • ServiceViewer

The following table lists predefined roles available in Oracle Integration, and the Insight tasks that personas associated with those roles can perform.

Oracle Integration Roles Personas and Permissions in Insight


This Oracle Integration role maps to the Insight persona Insight Administrator.

This is a super user who manages Insight. This user can purge Insight model data and has all the privileges of the other roles to view, create, manage, edit, and delete all the models and dashboards.


This Oracle Integration role includes the Insight personas Business User/Analyst and Integration Architect.

This user can view, create, manage, edit, and delete Insight models.

The Business User/Analyst understands the business use case and defines business milestones and indicators in an Insight model.

The Integration Architect understands the end-to-end business process implemented in Oracle Integration and defines the mapping of the milestones to the appropriate location in the business process implementation and the extraction criteria of Insight indicators.

This user does not have access to Insight dashboards through the Consoles page.

ServiceUser and ServiceEndUser

The ServiceEndUser role is available only for new instances created using version 22.2 or later. This role cannot be granted to existing instances created prior to version 22.2.

These Oracle Integration roles map to the Insight persona Business Executive.

This user understands how the business works and can use the Insight consoles, which provide preconfigured and custom dashboards, to gain insight into business process status and activity in real time. For example, this user might ask an integration architect and business analyst to build a model in Insight to provide a visualization of which products are selling best in which US state and if there are any models with a high return rate. This data helps to make decisions such as investing more marketing dollars in certain regions and if it makes sense to expand overseas.

This user can view, create, manage, edit, and delete Insight dashboards through the Consoles page. This user does not have access to models through the Models page.

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