Entity Types Modeled in Logging Analytics

Oracle Logging Analytics supports the following types of entities.


You can also create your own entity types. When an entity is created, an entity type defines the properties which are used to locate the log files location. For example, in an Oracle Database entity type, you must provide path values for properties such as ADR_HOME, ORACLE_HOME, and INSTALL_HOME. You can create new entity types using REST API or CLI. See Logging Analytics API and Command Line Reference.

OCI Native Cloud Resource Types:

APM Domain

Autonomous Database with the Oracle APEX Application Development

Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous JSON Database

Autonomous Transaction Processing

Data Integration Service Workspace

Data Science Job

Data Science Model Deployment

Media Workflow

Media Workflow Job

Network Firewall

OCI Analytics Cloud Instance

OCI API Gateway

OCI Block Volume

OCI Cloud Guard

OCI Compute Instance

OCI Data Flow Application

OCI DevOps Build Pipeline

OCI DevOps Build Pipeline Stage

OCI DevOps Build Run

OCI DevOps Deployment

OCI DevOps Deployment Pipeline

OCI DevOps Deployment Stage

OCI Email Delivery

OCI Events Service Rule

OCI Functions Application

OCI Function

OCI Fusion Applications

OCI Generic Resource

OCI Integration Instance

OCI Load Balancer

OCI Object Storage Bucket

OCI Service Connector

OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)

OCI VCN Subnet

OCI VCN Virtual Network Interface Card

OCI Web Application Firewall

OIC Integration

PostgreSQL Database

All Other Entity Types:

ADM Remediation Recipe

Apache Hive

Apache HTTP Server

Apache Kafka

Apache Spark

Apache ZooKeeper

Automatic Storage Management (Composite)

Automatic Storage Management Instance



EBS Concurrent Processing

EBS Concurrent Processing Node

EBS Forms System

EBS Workflow Background Engine

EBS Workflow Group

EBS Workflow Notification Mailer


GoldenGate Admin Server

GoldenGate Deployment

GoldenGate Distribution Path

GoldenGate Distribution Server

GoldenGate Extract

GoldenGate Manager

GoldenGate Performance Metric Server

GoldenGate Receiver Path

GoldenGate Receiver Server

GoldenGate Replicat

GoldenGate Service Manager

Grafana Server


Hadoop DataNode

Hadoop NameNode

Hadoop Node Manager

Hadoop Resource Manager

Host (AIX)

Host (HP-UX)

Host (Linux)

Host (Solaris)

Host (Windows)

IBM DB2 Database

IBM Websphere Server

IPSec Connection

IPSec Tunnel

Ipswitch WS_FTP Server

J2EE Application

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

JBoss Server

Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes ConfigMap

Kubernetes Cron Job

Kubernetes DaemonSet

Kubernetes Deployment

Kubernetes Endpoint

Kubernetes Endpoint Slice

Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes Job

Kubernetes Namespace

Kubernetes Node

Kubernetes Node Pools

Kubernetes Persistent Volume

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim

Kubernetes Pod

Kubernetes ReplicaSet

Kubernetes Secret

Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes StatefulSet

Management Agent

Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft DNS Server

Microsoft .NET Server

Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Internet Information Services

Microsoft Internet Information Services Web Site

Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SQL Server Database

Microsoft SQL Server Database Instance


MySQL Database Instance




ODSEE Directory Proxy Server

ODSEE Directory Server

Operator Access Control for Autonomous Database Dedicated on ExaCC

Oracle Access Management Server

Oracle Access Management Cluster

Oracle Cluster Node

Oracle Database

Oracle Database Instance

Oracle Database Listener

Oracle Database System

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle Identity Cloud Service

Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Oracle Identity Manager

Oracle Identity Manager Cluster

Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle MFT

Oracle PeopleSoft Application Server Domain

Oracle PeopleSoft Internet Architecture

Oracle PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Domain

Oracle Pluggable Database

Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Siebel

Oracle Siebel Enterprise

Oracle Tuxedo Application Server

Oracle VM Manager

Oracle VM Server

Oracle VM Server Pool

Oracle Unified Directory

PeopleSoft Application

PSFT Application Server Domain

PSFT Application Server Domain Group



PSFT Process Monitor

PSFT Process Scheduler Domain

PSFT Process Scheduler Domain Group

RAC - Oracle Database (composite for Database Real Application Clusters)

SAPNW Application Server Instance

SAPNW Application Server JAVA Server Process

Siebel Component

Siebel Gateway Server

Siebel Server

SOA Infrastructure


WebLogic Cluster

WebLogic Domain

WebLogic Server

WebLogic Node Manager

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