Required IAM Policy for Compute Scanning Targets

To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must be granted the required type of access in a policy (IAM)  written by an administrator, whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool.


If you try to perform an action and get a message that you don’t have permission or are unauthorized, confirm with your administrator the type of access you were granted and which compartment  you’re supposed to work in.

For example, to allow users in the group SecurityAdmins to create, update, and delete all Vulnerability Scanning resources in the compartment SalesApps:

Allow group SecurityAdmins to manage vss-family in compartment SalesApps

If you're setting up Agent-Based Qualys Policies: First set up the Agent-Based Standard Policies, and then set up Agent-Based Qualys Policies.

Agent-Based Standard Policies

Read the Repositories for VSS OCIR Container Image Scans

To allow users in a group to read repositories for VSS OCIR container image scans:

Allow group VSSAdmins to read repos in tenancy

Deploy the Oracle Cloud Agent

If you enable agent-based scanning in your recipe, then you must give the Vulnerability Scanning service permission to deploy the Oracle Cloud Agent to your target Compute instances.

Read the VNIC (virtual network interface card) 

The Vulnerability Scanning service must also be able to read the VNIC (virtual network interface card)  on your target Compute instances.

For example, to grant this permission for all Compute instances in the entire tenancy:

Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to manage instances in tenancy
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read compartments in tenancy
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnics in tenancy
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnic-attachments in tenancy

To grant this permission for all Compute instances in a specific compartment:

Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to manage instances in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read compartments in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnics in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnic-attachments in compartment <compartment_name>

A VNIC might be in a different compartment from your Compute instance. Either grant VNIC permissions for the entire tenancy or for the specific compartment that the VNIC is in as well as the compartments of the Compute instances:

Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnics in compartment <vnic_compartment_name>
Allow service vulnerability-scanning-service to read vnic-attachments in compartment <vnic_compartment_name>

Agent-Based Qualys Policies

  • Setting up Agent-Based Qualys Policies.
  • Create a dynamic group of instances that you want to scan. See Managing Dynamic Groups. Instances that meet the criteria defined by any of these rules are included in the dynamic group. For example:
    All { = <compartment_ocid>}

    You can specify an entire tenancy.

Grant Dynamic Group Access to Secrets and to the Data Sent Back from Qualys

To use Qualys agent-based scanning in your recipe, write a policy that grants permission for the dynamic group to access secrets and to access to the data sent back from Qualys.

To grant permission for the dynamic group to access secrets:

Allow dynamic-group <dynamic_group_name> to read vaults in tenancy
Allow dynamic-group <dynamic_group_name> to read keys in tenancy
Allow dynamic-group <dynamic_group_name> to read secret-family in tenancy

To access the data sent back from Qualys:

Define tenancy ocivssprod as ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaa6zt5ejxod5pgthsq4apr5z2uzde7dmbpduc5ua3mic4zv3g5ttma 
Endorse dynamic-group <dynamic_group_name> to read objects in tenancy ocivssprod

For more information and examples, see: