Block Volume Metrics

You can monitor the performance and replication status for your Block Volume resources by using metrics , alarms , and notifications.

This topic describes the metrics emitted by the metric namespace oci_blockstore (the Block Volume service)


  • Block volumes
  • Boot volumes
  • Block volume replicas
  • Boot volume replicas
  • Volume group replicas

Overview of Metrics for an Instance and Its Storage Devices

If you're not already familiar with the different types of metrics available for an instance and its storage and network devices, see Compute Instance Metrics.

Available Metrics: oci_blockstore

The Block Volume service includes metrics related to volume performance and metrics related to volume replication.

Performance Metrics

The Block Volume service emits metrics to help you measure volume operations and throughput related to compute instances.

The metrics listed in the following table are automatically available for any block volume or boot volume, regardless of whether the attached instance has monitoring enabled. You do not need to enable monitoring on the volumes to get these metrics.

You also can use the Monitoring service to create custom queries. See Building Metric Queries.

Each metric includes at least one of the following dimensions :

The OCID  of the volume attachment.
The OCID  of the volume.
Metric Metric Display Name Unit Description Dimensions
VolumeReadThroughput* Volume Read Throughput bytes Read throughput. Expressed as bytes read per interval.



VolumeWriteThroughput* Volume Write Throughput bytes Write throughput. Expressed as bytes written per interval.
VolumeReadOps* Volume Read Operations reads Activity level from I/O reads. Expressed as reads per interval.
VolumeWriteOps* Volume Write Operations writes Activity level from I/O writes. Expressed as writes per interval.
VolumeThrottledIOs* Volume Throttled Operations sum Total sum of all the I/O operations that were throttled during a given time interval.
VolumeGuaranteedVPUsPerGB* Volume Guaranteed VPUs/GB VPUs Rate of change for currently active VPUs/GB. Expressed as the average of active VPUs/GB during a given time interval.


VolumeGuaranteedIOPS* Volume Guaranteed IOPS IOPS Rate of change for guaranteed IOPS per SLA. Expressed as the average of guaranteed IOPS during a given time interval.
VolumeGuaranteedThroughput* Volume Guaranteed Throughput megabytes Rate of change for guaranteed throughput per SLA. Expressed as megabytes per interval.

* The Compute service separately reports network-related metrics as measured on the instance itself and aggregated across all the attached volumes. Those metrics are available in the oci_computeagent metric namespace. For more information, see Compute Instance Metrics.

Replication Metrics

The Block Volume service emits metrics to help you track volume replication operations. The metric emitted is determined by the resource type, either a volume resource or a replica resource.

Each metric includes the following dimension :

The OCID  of the replica resource or cross region replication enabled-volume resource.

Volume Resources

The metric listed in the following table is automatically available for any volume resource with cross region replication enabled. This includes block volumes, boot volumes, and volume groups. You do not need to enable monitoring on volumes.

You also can use the Monitoring service to create custom queries. See Building Metric Queries.

Each metric includes the following dimension :

Metric Metric Display Name Unit Description Dimensions
VolumeReplicationSecondsSinceLastUpload Time since last cross region replica upload seconds Time elapsed since the last cross region replica was uploaded. Expressed in seconds.


Replica Resources

The metric listed in the following table is automatically available for any replica resource, including block volume replicas, boot volume replicas, or volume group replicas. You do not need to enable monitoring on replicas to get these metrics.

You also can use the Monitoring service to create custom queries. See Building Metric Queries.

Each metric includes the following dimension :

The OCID  of the replica or cross region replication enabled-volume.
Metric Metric Display Name Unit Description Dimensions
VolumeReplicationSecondsSinceLastSync Time since last cross region replica was synced seconds Time elapsed since the last synced cross region replica. Expressed in seconds.


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