Getting a Cluster Placement Group's Details

Get a cluster placement group's details to learn more about it, including what resources it contains.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Networking, and then click Cluster placement groups.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the cluster placement group.
    3. In the list of cluster placement groups, click the name of the cluster placement group for which you want to view details.
      The details page of the cluster placement group displays the following information:
      • The current lifecycle state of the cluster placement group.
      • Display name: The friendly name of the cluster placement group.
      • Description: A description of the cluster placement group.
      • Intended use: The capabilities that the cluster placement group supports, if specified during creation.
      • Unique token: The unique identifier associated with the cluster placement group, if specified during creation.
      • OCID: The OCID of the cluster placement group.
      • Compartment: The name of the compartment to which the cluster placement group belongs.
      • Availability domain: The availability domain in which the cluster placement group is deployed.
      • Tags: Any tags added to the cluster placement group.
      • Cluster Resources: The resources that are in the cluster placement group.
      From the details page, you can edit the cluster placement group, move it to a different compartment, deactivate it, add tags to it, or view information about the resources that are in it.
  • Use the get command and required parameters to get a cluster placement group's details:

    oci cpg cluster-placement-group get --cluster-placement-group-id <cluster_placement_group_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetClusterPlacementGroup operation to get a cluster placement group's details.