Estimating Replication Time

When you create a replication for a file system, the process includes an initial sync of the data from the source file system to the target file system. Depending on the amount of data written to the file system, this sync can take hours. To help plan a replication, File Storage provides a tool you can use to estimate how long the initial sync could take.


The replication estimator uses historical data of the source file system to provide its estimates. If the file system is new, the estimate might not be accurate.

The replication time estimator analyzes the source file system and provides the following details:

Field Description
Replication Supported Whether this file system supports replication.
Minimum Supported Replication Interval in Minutes The minimum supported replication interval for specified file system in minutes. A value of -1 indicates that the system can't provide an accurate estimate or replication is unsupported.
Estimated Base Copy Time in Minutes The approximate time required for the base sync between source and target to finish. A value of -1 indicates that the system can't provide an accurate estimate or replication is unsupported.
Detected Change Rate in MBps The rate of change on source file system which was used to provide the default estimate in megabytes per second. A value of -1 indicates that the system can't provide an accurate estimate or replication is unsupported.
Change Rate in MBps The rate of change on source file system which was used to provide the estimate in megabytes per second.
Allowed Target Regions The regions that support a replication target for this file system. If the file system doesn't support replication, this field is empty. See Limitations and Considerations for more information.

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