Create a risk provider for an identity domain in IAM that you can use to obtain a user's risk score from the Symantec third-party risk engine.
The Symantec risk score provides intelligence on a user's behavior across heterogeneous systems with which IAM isn't directly involved. Administrators can then use this third-party risk score with identity domain sign-on policies to enforce a remediation action, such as allowing or denying the user from accessing an identity domain and its protected applications and resources, requiring the user to provide a second factor to authenticate, and so on.
Open the navigation menu and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Domains.
Click the name of the identity domain that you want to work in. You might need to change the compartment to find the domain that you want. Then, click Security and then Adaptive security.
Select Create risk provider.
On the Create risk provider page, enter the following fields:
To select the vendor of the risk provider solution, select Company. Only Symantec is supported.
Enter a name and description for the risk provider.
Enter the risk provider URL that IAM can use to obtain the user's risk score.
Select an authentication type: Basic or Token.
If you select Basic, the Username and Password fields appear. Enter the username and password that IAM uses to authenticate against the risk provider.
If you select Token, the Scheme and Token fields appear. Enter the name of the authentication scheme and the authentication token that IAM uses to pass a user's credentials to the risk provider.
Enter the username and password for the risk provider.
Under User identifier, select the unique identifier for user accounts that IAM uses to link the user in the risk provider. This identifier can be the username or the primary email address.
Under Refresh rate, specify how often, in minutes or hours, IAM calls the risk provider to check for refreshed scores.
In the Risk range pane of the Add risk provider page, the risk levels configured in the risk provider are shown automatically, if the provider supports an API to get this information.
If the API isn't available, an administrator can specify the risk ranges manually, as configured in the risk provider. This information provides a reference to the configured risk ranges in the risk provider and has no significance in the risk calculations.
To check if the risk provider information is correct, select Validate risk provider.
Verify that you see the message, The connection to the {risk_provider_name} risk provider has been validated.
If you receive an error message, check the values that you entered or selected for the Risk provider URL and Authentication type fields.
Select Create risk provider.
The risk provider is added in a deactivated state. To activate the risk provider, see Activating a Risk Provider.