App Gateway versioning uses the following convention: <release
version>-<major version>.<minor version>.<build
number>. For example, App Gateway version
19.3.3-1.0.1, means release 19.3.3, major
version 1, minor version 0, and patch version
If you have multiple App Gateway instances, then repeat the following procedure for
each App Gateway server.
Use an SSH client such as PuTTY to sign in to the App Gateway server.
Run cd /scratch/oracle/cloudgate, and verify two information in this folder:
In the command prompt, run the following command cat /scratch/oracle/cloudgate/INSTALLED_VERSION to verify the version of the App Gateway.
The following example shows that the version of the App Gateway is 19.3.3-1.0.0:
$ cd /scratch/oracle/cloudgate
OVA Base Version: 19.3.3-1.0.0
OVA Patch Version:
Cloud Gate Version: 19.3.3-1910012252
Run the following command ls -la and verify that the home folder links to the folder named the App Gateway version:
The following example shows that the home folder is linked to the 19.3.3.-1.0.0 folder:
$ cd /scratch/oracle/cloudgate
$ ls -la
total 16
drwx------. 6 oracle oracle 4096 Oct 2 00:23 19.3.3-1.0.0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 oracle oracle 38 Oct 2 01:38 home -> /scratch/oracle/cloudgate/19.3.3-1.0.0
-rw-------. 1 oracle oracle 89 Oct 2 01:38 INSTALLED_VERSION
drwx------. 3 oracle oracle 4096 Oct 2 01:38 ova
drwxr-x---. 2 oracle oracle 4096 Oct 7 09:45 wallet
Run cd /scratch/oracle/cloudgate/home/bin, and then ./cg-upgrade to start the upgrade process.
During the upgrade process, App Gateway contacts IAM to verify if a patch for your App Gateway is available. If so, then the process downloads the patch and applies the patch to your App Gateway server.
After the upgrade process finishes, Run the commands described in step 2 and verify whether their return refers to the App Gateway patch or the upgraded version.
Configure App Gateway in SSL mode. If you ran the cg-upgrade script, and App Gateway was configured in non SSL mode, then after running the cg-upgrade script, complete the following steps. Note: If App Gateway was already configured in SSL mode, then don't complete the following steps.
Get the SSL certificates.
Log in to App Gateway and copy the certificates, for example, to /scratch/certificates/.
Open the navigation menu and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Domains.
Click the name of the identity domain that you want to work in. You might need to change the compartment to find the domain that you want. Then, click Security and then App gateways.
Navigate to Hosts, and then open the required host. Navigate to Additional Properties and then add the path of the certificates and other information, such as ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers.
Open /usr/local/nginx/conf/cloudgate.config, search for callbackPrefix and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Run the following commands so that you can see all changes reflected in App Gateway:
Now the application can be accessed only through the HTTPS protocol and not the HTTP protocol.
During this procedure, App Gateway restarts. Access to your application through this App Gateway server might be affected.
App Gateway Installed as Docker Container 🔗
To upgrade to a new App Gateway version, delete the existing container and re-create the container with a new version of the image. The wallet files are automatically used by the container, provided the files aren't deleted in the local folder, and the same local folder is used for the volume mount.