You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Enforcing SELinux

Set SELinux to enforcing.

Before you begin:

Check that the following packages are installed on Oracle Linux:

rpm -q selinux-policy-targeted policycoreutils libselinux-utils libselinux-python libselinux


When you change the SELinux mode from Permissive or Disabled to Enforcing, then you must reboot.
Create a policy and ensure that PAM works when SELinux is set to enforcing:
  1. If necessary, install these packages on Oracle Linux:
    rpm -q selinux-policy-targeted policycoreutils libselinux-utils libselinux-python libselinux
  2. Allow outbound communication on 443:
    $ sudo setsebool -P nis_enabled 1
  3. Create a local policy so that sssd_t can create opc dir to create, and read and write to the pam_nss.log file (which is mentioned in /etc/opc.conf). It doesn't need to be located in a specific location because it's compiled by the SELinux utilities.
    1. Create the policy file and save it with the filename idcs-pam.te. This is the content:
      module idcs-pam 1.0;
      require {
      	type sssd_var_log_t;
              type var_log_t;
              type sshd_t;
              type sssd_t;
              type cert_t;
      	type http_port_t;
      	type user_home_dir_t;
              class file { open read write };
              class dir { create write};
              class tcp_socket { name_connect };
      #============= sssd_t ==============
      allow sssd_t cert_t:file write;
      allow sssd_t user_home_dir_t:dir write;
      allow sssd_t var_log_t:dir create;
      allow sssd_t var_log_t:file { open read };
      allow sshd_t sssd_var_log_t:file { open read };
      allow sshd_t http_port_t:tcp_socket { name_connect };
  4. Build the SELinux policy module. Run:
    $ checkmodule -M -m -o idcs-pam.mod idcs-pam.te 
    $ semodule_package -m idcs-pam.mod -o idcs-pam.pp
  5. Install the SELinux module. Run:
    $ semodule -i idcs-pam.pp
  6. Reload SELinux. Run:
    $ semodule -R
  7. Finally, authenticate the PAM user again.
    The /opc dir and /opc/pam_nss.log file are created.

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