You're viewing OCI IAM documentation for new tenancies in regions that have been updated to use identity domains.

Details for Container Registry

This topic covers details for writing policies to control access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (also known as Container Registry).


  • repos

Note that repos covers all Container Registry resources, namely repositories, images, and image signatures.

Supported Variables

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry supports all the general variables (see General Variables for All Requests), plus the ones listed here.

The repos resource-type can use the following variables:

Variable Variable Type Comments String Use this variable to control access to specific repositories. For an example policy, see Policies to Control Repository Access.

When authorizing an API operation to access a Container Registry resource using a tag specified by the target.resource.tag policy variable, you must apply the tag to a resource appropriate for the API operation:

API Can you apply a tag to a resource to authorize access? If yes, which resource
ListContainerRepositories No None
ListContainerImages No None
ListContainerImageSignatures No None
GetContainerConfiguration No None
GetContainerRepository Yes Repository
GetContainerImage Yes Image
GetContainerImageSignature Yes Image signature
CreateContainerRepository No None
DeleteContainerRepository Yes Repository
UpdateContainerImage Yes Image
DeleteContainerImage Yes Image
RestoreContainerImage Yes Image
CreateContainerImageSignature No None
UpdateContainerImageSignature Yes Image signature
DeleteContainerImageSignature Yes Image signature
RemoveContainerVersion Yes Image
UpdateContainerRepository Yes Repository
ChangeContainerRepositoryCompartment Yes Repository
UpdateContainerConfiguration No None

Details for Verb + Resource-Type Combinations

The following tables show the permissions and API operations covered by each verb. The level of access is cumulative as you go from inspect > read > use > manage. For example, a group that can use a resource can also inspect and read that resource. A plus sign (+) in a table cell indicates incremental access compared to the cell directly above it, whereas "no extra" indicates no incremental access.

For example, the read verb for the repos resource-type includes the same permissions and API operations as the inspect verb, plus the REPOSITORY_READ permission and a number of API operations (e.g., GetContainerRepository, etc.). The use verb covers still another permission and API operation compared to read. Lastly, manage covers more permissions and operations compared to use.

Permissions Required for Each API Operation

The following table lists the API operations in a logical order, grouped by resource type.

For information about permissions, see Permissions.

API Operation Permissions Required to Use the Operation
ListContainerRepositories REPOSITORY_INSPECT
CreateContainerRepository REPOSITORY_CREATE
GetContainerRepository REPOSITORY_READ
UpdateContainerRepository REPOSITORY_MANAGE
DeleteContainerRepository REPOSITORY_DELETE
ChangeContainerRepositoryCompartment REPOSITORY_MANAGE
UpdateContainerImage REPOSITORY_UPDATE
DeleteContainerImage REPOSITORY_UPDATE
RestoreContainerImage REPOSITORY_UPDATE
RemoveContainerVersion REPOSITORY_UPDATE
ListContainerImageSignatures REPOSITORY_INSPECT
GetContainerImageSignature REPOSITORY_READ
CreateContainerImageSignature REPOSITORY_UPDATE
UpdateContainerImageSignature REPOSITORY_UPDATE
DeleteContainerImageSignature REPOSITORY_UPDATE
GetContainerConfiguration REPOSITORY_INSPECT
UpdateContainerConfiguration REPOSITORY_MANAGE