Linking a Social Account
If your organization has enabled social login, then you can access an identity domain using your credentials from social identity providers.
When you use a social identity provider to sign in to an identity domain from the sign in page, your social account is linked to your identity domain account automatically.
You can also manually link social identity providers to your identity domain account.
Use Case: Linking a Social Account
Read a use case for linking social accounts with an account in an identity domain.
Linking social accounts is the process of associating a public identity provider account with your account. If multiple social accounts are linked to your account, then you can access an identity domain by signing in with any of the linked social accounts.
To understand why you might want to link social accounts, read this use case.
Beatrix Kiddo is an end user for ABC Corporation and an IAM customer. Beatrix signs in to an identity domain using a social account, accesses her user profile, and then accesses the Social accounts tab. On the Social accounts tab, she sees the social account that she used the first time to sign in into an identity domain. When she signs in using a social account, that account is automatically linked to her identity domain account.
If she wants to link another social account, she clicks Link a social account and completes the steps necessary to sign in to the social account. She can now sign in using either of those social accounts.