Updating Private Endpoint Details
Learn how to update the details of an OCI External Key Management private endpoint.
You can update the display name and tags an External Key Management private endpoint.
Open a command prompt and run
oci kms ekm ekms-private-endpoint update
to update the details of a private endpoint.oci kms ekm ekms-private-endpoint update -ekms-private-endpoint-id, -defined-tags
--ekms-private-endpoint-id "ocid1.ekmsprivateendpoint.region1.sea.aeezmswpspiaa.abexamplekhf7t52cxoqe6vvb4pwajr", --defined-tags { "Tag": {"key": "value"} }, --display-name "Example EKMS PE UPDATE", --freeform-tags {"key": "value"}
Avoid entering confidential information.
For a complete list of flags and variable options for Vault CLI commands, see Command Line Reference.
Use the UpdateEkmsPrivate Endpoint API to update the private endpoint used for connecting OCI External Key Management to an external key management system. Thales CipherTrust Manager is supported by OCI for External Key Management.
Each region has a unique endpoint for create, update, and list operations for secrets. This endpoint is referred to as the control plane URL or secret management endpoint. Each region also has a unique endpoint for operations related to retrieving secret contents. This endpoint is known as the data plane URL or the secret retrieval endpoint. For regional endpoints, see the API Documentation.For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.