Confirming a Subscription
Confirm a subscription in Notifications. Confirmation isn't required for function subscriptions.
For more information to find the confirmation URL, see the heading for the relevant subscription type (protocol).
Email Confirmation URL
Search email for the text To confirm this subscription
(used in the confirmation message).
Function Confirmation URL
No confirmation URL exists. Confirmation isn't required for function subscriptions.
HTTPS (Custom URL) Confirmation URL
In the request header, see the value of the
field.Example request header:
"X-OCI-NS-SignatureVersion":"1.0" "X-OCI-NS-Signature":"<example-signature>" "X-OCI-NS-SigningCertURL":"<example-url>" "X-OCI-NS-TopicOcid":"ocid.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>" "X-OCI-NS-Timestamp":"2019-04-19T21:26:00.310+0000" "X-OCI-NS-MessageId":"<unique_ID>" "X-OCI-NS-TopicName":"mytopic" "X-OCI-NS-MessageType":"SubscriptionConfirmation" "X-OCI-NS-ConfirmationURL":"<exampleConfirmationURL>" "X-OCI-NS-SubscriptionId":"ocid1.onssubscription.oc1.phx.<unique_ID>" "X-OCI-NS-State":"Pending"
See also Standard header metadata.
In the request body, see the value of the
key.Example ConfirmationURL key and value (request body):
PagerDuty Confirmation URL
Incident titled "Oracle Notification Service Subscription Confirmation."
Example of confirmation incident (at the time this document was published)

Slack Confirmation URL
Search the Slack channel for the text To confirm the subscription
(used in the confirmation message).
SMS Confirmation URL
Search for the confirmation message that was sent to the phone number. The message sender and content depends on the country code of the recipient phone number.
+1 country code:
Message sender: US-registered 10-digit long code number.
Message content:
REPLY 'CONFIRM <short-topic-id>' to confirm subscription.
<short-topic-id> is the short code of the topic that the SMS subscription was added to. The short code is used to identify the topic in messages sent to SMS subscriptions. Each short code contains six case-insensitive alphanumeric characters.
Other country codes:
Message sender:
- If alphanumeric sender is supported:
- If alphanumeric sender isn't supported: US-registered 10-digit long code number.
Message content:
To confirm this subscription, go to: <subscriptionConfirmationURL> To stop receiving text messages, delete the subscription:
<subscriptionConfirmationURL> is the confirmation URL.
- If alphanumeric sender is supported: