Replacing a Failed ESXi Host

If an ESXi host in an SDDC in VMware Solution fails because of hardware issues, you can start a workflow to replace it.

SDDCs are customer-managed after provisioning, so the host replacement procedure requires that you also perform specific actions in the SDDC.

After you start the host replacement workflow, you must perform the required steps within a 24-hour period, or you are billed for both the failed host and the replacement.

The configuration and pricing interval of the replacement host duplicates the failed host as it existed at the time of its initial deployment.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, select Hybrid, and then select VMware Solution.
  2. Click the name of the SDDC to view details about it. If you don't see the SDDC listed, ensure that the correct compartment is selected.
  3. In Resources, click vSphere clusters.
  4. Click the name of the cluster that contains the ESXi host.
  5. In the list of ESXi hosts, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the failed host, and then select Replace host.
  6. In the Replace host dialog box, carefully review the required actions, select Acknowledge and proceed, and then click Confirm.

    A work request to create a new host is created. You can view the work request in the Work Requests page of the SDDC, under Resources. Host provisioning can take up to one hour.


    To cancel the replacement, go to the SDDC details page and click Cancel replacement in the Host replacement in progress notification.
  7. After the new host is provisioned, remove the failed host from the SDDC, and add the replacement host. You must complete this step within 24 hours after the new host is provisioned.
  8. Mark the replacement process as complete:
    1. Open the navigation menu, select Hybrid, and then select VMware Solution.
    2. Click the name of the SDDC to open its details page
    3. Find the Remove failed host notification, and click Mark as complete.
After you mark the replacement process as complete, the failed host is removed from the SDDC.