Creating an SDDC
Create a multi host SDDC with 3 to 64 ESXi hosts or a single-host SDDC on supported Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) bare metal Compute instances by using the VMware Solution service.
There are two types of SDDC configuration available: a multi host SDDC, and a single-host SDDC used for testing and short-term development. For more information about SDDC types, see SDDCs.
Before You Begin:
- You need an existing VCN with an IP address CIDR of /24 or larger available for running the cluster. The following list shows the allowed CIDR sizes and the number of nodes you can create in each:
- CIDR block size /24, segment size /28, number of nodes in cluster 3-12.
- CIDR block size /23, segment size /27, number of nodes in cluster 3-28.
- CIDR block size /22, segment size /26, number of nodes in cluster 3-60.
- CIDR block size /21, segment size /25, number of nodes in cluster 3-64.
If you're adding several clusters, be sure to plan the required CIDR blocks for each that fit your needs. - We recommend that you set up connectivity between the VCN and the on-premises network before provisioning an SDDC. See Access to Your On-Premises Network.
- You can quickly create a VCN for an SDDC and set up an IPSec connection between an on-premises network and the VCN by using the Site-to-Site VPN workflow. To learn how, see Site-to-Site VPN Quickstart.
- The Create SDDC workflow can automatically create and configure the SDDC's networking resources for you. Or, you can use existing networking resources that you created manually before you create the SDDC. SDDC provisioning requires the following resources:
- A provisioning subnet with a route table. For instructions about how to create these manually,see Overview of VCNs and Subnets.
- Security rules for the provisioning subnet as detailed in SDDC Security Rules.
- For a list of required VLANs and instructions about how to create them, see Creating VLANs for an SDDC.
If you're adding many clusters, be sure to plan for several subnets and VLANs dedicated to each cluster.
Provisioning takes about two and a half hours to complete.
If errors occur, you can click Retry Provisioning. Clicking Cancel Provisioning cancels the provisioning process and deletes all resources created for the SDDC.Important
An SDDC or ESXi host which has failed provisioning doesn't get billed until provisioning succeeds.Use the sddc-create command and required parameters to create an SDDC.
oci ocvs sddc create --compartment-id compartment_id --hcx-mode DISABLED, ADVANCED, or ENTERPRISE --initial-configuration configuration_OCID --ssh-authorized-keys ssh_file --vmware-software-version version_number ...[OPTIONS]
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
An SDDC or ESXi host which has failed provisioning doesn't get billed until provisioning succeeds.Run the CreateSddc operation to create a new SDDC and ESXi hosts.
An SDDC or ESXi host which has failed provisioning doesn't get billed until provisioning succeeds.
Next Steps
After provisioning your SDDC, you might want to perform some of the following tasks:
- Configure network connectivity between the SDDC and resources in your on-premises network, the Oracle Services Network, the internet through a NAT gateway, or other resources in the VCN. For information and instructions, see Configuring SDDC Network Connectivity.
- Modify resources or properties of your SDDC. For example, add ESXi hosts. See SDDCs.
- Create VMs in your SDDC or perform other VMware tasks. To do so, you can log into vCenter by using the vSphere Client link from the details page of the SDDC.