Creating a Web Application Firewall Network Address List

Create a network address list for a web application firewall (WAF) policy.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Network Address Lists.
    2. On the WAF Network address lists page, select the compartment that you have permission to work in.
    3. Click Create network address list.
    4. In the Create network address list dialog box, complete the options as follows:
      • Name: Enter a name for the network address list, or use the default name.

      • Create in compartment: Select the compartment to contain the network address list that you're creating.

      • Address type: Specify the address type:
        • Addresses: Use this type of network address list to match traffic coming from the internet or traffic coming from the same virtual cloud network (VCN) where the associated load balancer is hosted.
        • VCN addresses: Use this type of network address list to match traffic coming from other VCNs through service gateways or private endpoints.
      • IP addresses: If you selected Addresses for the address type, enter each IP address and CIDR IP range on a separate line within the box.
      • If you selected VCN addresses for the address type, enter the following values:
        • Select Use same tenancy VCN to populate the Virtual cloud network list with the VCNs that exist in the compartment selected for the network address list.
        • Virtual cloud network: Select the VCN associated with your list of private IP addresses. Click Change Compartment to choose a VCN in a different compartment.
        • VCN IP addresses: Enter each IP address and CIDR IP range on a separate line within the box.
        • Click +Another set of VCN IP addresses to display another VCN IP addresses row to complete. Click X to delete the associated row.
      • Show tagging: Click this link to display the tagging options for the network address list. For more information, see Tagging Resources.

    5. Click Create.
  • Use the oci waf network-address-list create-addresses-list command and required parameters to create a network address list for a web application firewall policy:

    oci waf network-address-list create-addresses-list --compartment-id compartment_ocid --addresses addresses [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateNetworkAddressList operation to create a network address list.