Editing a Web Application Firewall Network Address List

Update a network address list contained within a web application firewall (WAF) policy.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
    2. On the Policies page, select the compartment that contains the policy.
    3. (Optional) Filter the listed policies by name, status, policy type (WAF policy), or creation date.
    4. Click the name of the network address list that you want to edit.
    5. On the network address details page, click Edit.
    6. In the Edit WAF network address list dialog box, edit the network address list settings. For descriptions of each setting, see Creating a Web Application Firewall Network Address List.
    7. Click Save changes.
  • Use the oci waf network-address-list update-addresses-list command and required parameters to edit a network address list contained within a web application firewall policy:

    oci waf network-address-list update-addresses-list --network-address-list-id network_address_list_id [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateNetworkAddressList operation to edit a network address list.