Verify Response Content (Optional)

You can create a regular expression (REGEX) to verify the response string content that a monitor in Availability Monitoring can return when creating a monitor.

During the Create a Monitor step, there's an optional checkbox: Verify Response Content to verify the response that a monitor can return by creating a REGEX.

Information about REGEX

  • The REGEX should match the content in the response (response body and response headers) from the URL provided in the monitor.
  • If the search REGEX contains single quotes (') or double quotes ("), you must prefix the quote with the following:

    The above prefix matches any escape characters prefixed to the quotes which handles certain cases where JSON from the response is not formed properly and it may add a backslash to quotes in the response body.

  • Due to data formatting, there may be spaces in the response that you're trying to match. If that's the case, try adding \s* in the REGEX. This will handle zero or more spaces in the response.
  • You can use to validate the REGEX on the response (test string) before using it in the monitor. Ensure to select ECMAScript (JavaScript) in flavor.

REGEX Samples

  • REGEX Sample 1
    "mepType": "MEP00",
    "noOfAborted": 0,
    "noOfErrors": 0,
    "noOfMsgsProcessed": 46,
    "noOfMsgsReceived": 46,
    "noOfSuccess": 1,
    "successRate": 100,
    "version": "01.00.0000"
  • REGEX Sample 2:
       "cache-control":"no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate",
       "content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8",
       "date":"Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:08:49 GMT",
       "expires":"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT",
       "pragma": "no-cache",
       "server": "envoy",
       "via":"1.1 net-idcs-config", 

REGEX for REST Monitor Type

When using REGEX validator for REST monitor type, the user can validate their string/REGEX with the inline response. It will return the result as either match or not matched.

The following is a list of common operators supported by APM Availability Monitoring:

Operator Description Example
Match-any-character Operator (.) The period character represents this operator. a.b matches any three-character string beginning with a and ending with b.
Match-zero-or-more Operator (*) This operator repeats the smallest possible preceding regular expression as many times as necessary (including zero) to match the pattern. a* matches any string made up of zero or more a's. In another example, fo* has a repeating o, not a repeating fo. Hence, fo* matches f, fo, foo, and so on.
Match-one-or-more Operator (+) This operator is similar to the match-zero-or-more operator except that it repeats the preceding regular expression at least once. ca+r matches car and caaaar, but not cr.
Match-zero-or-one Operator (?) This operator is similar to the match-zero-or-more operator except that it repeats the preceding regular expression once or not at all. ca?r matches both car and cr, but nothing else.
Negate (^) Negate an expression. ^a matches any character except a
Grouping Operators ((...)) REGEX treats expressions inside the parenthesis just as mathematics and programming languages treat a parenthesized expression as a unit. The expressions are processed before the expression outside the parenthesis. f(a|b)a matches faa and fba, which means the operation a|b is processed before the rest.
Alternation Operator (|) Alternatives match one of a choice of regular expressions: if you put one or more characters representing the alternation operator between any two regular expressions a and b, the result matches the union of the strings that a and b match.

foo|bar|quux would match any of foo, bar or quux.

As another example, ( and ) are the open and close-group operators, then fo(o|b)ar would match either fooar or fobar. On the other hand, foo|bar would match foo or bar.

List Operators ([ ... ] and [^ ... ])

A matching list matches a single character represented by one of the list items. An item is a character, a character class expression, or a range expression.

Non-matching lists are similar to matching lists except that they match a single character not represented by one of the list items.

[ab] matches either a or b. [ad]* matches the empty string and any string composed of just a's and d's in any order.

As a non matching example, [^ab] matches any character except a or b.

Range Operator (-) Represents those characters that fall between two elements in the current collating sequence. [a-f] represents all the characters from a through f inclusively.
Digit (\d) Matches any digit character (0-9). Same as [0-9].
Not Digit (\D) Matches any character that is not a digit character (0-9). Same as [^0-9].
Escape (\) Makes the next character in the expression means the character itself but not an operator. \. means period, not the Match-any-character operator.
For example, if you want to allow only authenticated users access for any page of the application that starts with my and are under the path /mybank, then you can use the regular expression:

The dot (.) and the star (*) together represents any sequence of zero or more consecutive characters after the prefix my.

In this example, the following URLs: /mybank/myCredits and /mybank/myDebits match the above REGEX: \/mybank/my.*, but the URL: /mybank/about doesn't match it.

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