Consume Dataset

Depending on how you have made your listing available, consumers can access your dataset available on the Data Marketplace page.

As consumers you can view and consume the data in the dataset by following these steps:

  1. On the Data Marketplace page select the listing whose data you wish to view.

    This opens the listing card.
  2. You can view the following details of the Dataset:

    You can view the following fields on the Details tab:
    • Name: Displays the name of the dataset.

    • Owner: Displays the email address of the provider.

    • Restricted: Specifies if the dataset shared is restricted or not.

    • Tags: Displays the tags you selected while configuring the listing.

    • Description: Displays description of the dataset shared in the listing.

    • Link(URL): Displays the URL the producer specifies during configuring the listing for publishing which displays more details on the data they share.

  3. The Sample Data tab displays the preview of all the columns of the table selected in the dataset.

  4. The Profile tab displays the statistical data of the dataset. You can view:
    • The total number of rows and columns in the data entity is displayed at the top.

    • The statistics panel displays the thumbnail graphs for each column with information about the Min, Max, Distinct, and Null values.

    • Two types of thumbnail representations are displayed based on the histogram:
      • A bar chart represents data for frequency and top-frequency histograms. The bar chart shows the first top 10 values for the number of rows in the table.
      • A table lists data for Hybrid and Height-Balanced histograms. The table displays the entire data and is scrollable. The table displays the range for the values and the percentage of rows in each range.
    • You can click expand thumbnail to view the statistics of the column in a new tab.
    • The detailed view of each chart also shows the type of histogram.

  5. On the top header of the listing card details you can view the following icons:

    Data Load: Selecting this option takes you to the Data Load page. You can create external tables derived from tables selected from the dataset.

    Drag and drop tables from the selected dataset.

    In this example, the only table selected is BOOK.

    Create the external table by clicking Start, on the Load Data page, and then clicking Run on the Run Data Load Job dialog.

    You can view the external table on the Dashboard under Table and View Loads.

    • Data Link: Selecting this icon opens the Data Link page which is similar to the above operation of selecting the Data Load icon.
    • Query: Selecting this icon opens the The Data Analysis Tool with the associated table as source input. This icon helps you analyze the data in the dataset and perform queries with the associated table. You can also create analytic views from the associated table in the dataset. See Data Analysis tool for more information.

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