Clone Autonomous Database to Change Workload Type
When you create an Autonomous Database clone, by default the clone is of the same workload type. Optionally, you can select that the clone is of a different workload type than the source database.
You have provisioned a database of an incorrect workload type and now need to clone the database to the appropriate workload type.
You need a copy of your database of a different workload type to branch out to run new types of workloads on your data.
Note the following when you clone to a different workload type:
You can clone between the following workload types:
Autonomous Data Warehouse to Autonomous Transaction Processing
Autonomous Transaction Processing to Autonomous Data Warehouse
Autonomous JSON Database to Autonomous Transaction Processing or Autonomous Data Warehouse or APEX Service
APEX Service to Autonomous JSON Database or Autonomous Transaction Processing or Autonomous Data Warehouse
You may also clone from a backup, when choosing to clone a database to a different workload type.
The cloned database can be in the same region or in a different region (cross-region).
Cloning a database to a different workload type does not affect the database's existing data dictionary, optimizer statistics, and object compression. New objects that are created after cloning are created using the cloned database's workload type parameters (for example compression and statistics).
When you clone from Autonomous Data Warehouse to Autonomous Transaction Processing, the cloned database has the additional services TP and TPURGENT.
When you clone from one of the following to Autonomous Data Warehouse the cloned database does not have the services TP or TPURGENT:
- Autonomous Transaction Processing
- Autonomous JSON Database
- APEX Service
The following are not allowed when you clone and select a different workload type:
Creating a cross workload refreshable clone.
Cloning to a more restrictive workload type, such as from Autonomous Transaction Processing or Autonomous Data Warehouse database to Autonomous JSON Database or APEX Service.
See the following for steps to create an Autonomous Database clone:
Parent topic: Clone, Move, or Upgrade an Autonomous Database Instance