Connect Oracle SQL Developer Without a Wallet

Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Autonomous Database. Oracle SQL Developer provides support for connecting using TLS authentication without a wallet.


See Update your Autonomous Database Instance to Allow both TLS and mTLS Authentication for information on allowing TLS connections.
To create a new TLS connection to Autonomous Database:
  1. Copy a connection string for the Autonomous Database.

    To connect with TLS authentication copy a TLS connection string. On the Database Connection page, under TLS Authentication, select TLS to view the connection strings for connecting with TLS authentication.

    See View TNS Names and Connection Strings for an Autonomous Database Instance for information on viewing and copying connection stings.

  2. Start Oracle SQL Developer and in the connections panel, right-click Connections and select New Database Connection....
  3. Choose the Connection Type Custom JDBC.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Name: Enter the name for this connection.

    • Username: Enter the database username. You can either use the default administrator database account ADMIN provided as part of the service or create a new schema, and use it.

    • Password: Enter the password for the database user.

    • Connection Type: Select Custom JDBC.

    • Custom JDBC URL: Enter the following:

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@ followed by the connection string you copied in step one.

    Description of adb_connect_sqldev_db21_tls.png follows
    Description of the illustration adb_connect_sqldev_db21_tls.png

    For example, a sample value for the Custom JDBC URL field is:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)

    When you copy the connection string, the values for region and databasename are for your Autonomous Database instance.

  5. Click Connect to connect to the database.

If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, then for Username enter the Active Directory "AD_domain\AD_username" (you may include double quotes), and for the Password, enter the password for the Active Directory user. See Use Microsoft Active Directory with Autonomous Database for more information.

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