Monitor and Troubleshoot Loads

All data load operations done using the PL/SQL package DBMS_CLOUD are logged in the tables dba_load_operations and user_load_operations:

  • dba_load_operations: shows all load operations.

  • user_load_operations: shows the load operations in your schema.

Query these tables to see information about ongoing and completed data loads. Use a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause predicate on the TYPE column to show load operations with the type COPY.

For example:

SELECT table_name, owner_name, type, status, start_time, update_time, logfile_table, badfile_table 
   FROM user_load_operations WHERE type = 'COPY';

---------- ---------- ---- --------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------- ------------- 
TREEDATA   ADMIN      COPY COMPLETED 2022-10-20T23:15:19.990Z 2022-10-20T23:15:24.238Z COPY$1_LOG    COPY$1_BAD    

The LOGFILE_TABLE column shows the name of the table you can query to look at the log of a load operation. For example, the following query shows the log for this load operation:


The column BADFILE_TABLE shows the name of the table you can query to look at the rows with errors during loading. For example, the following query shows the rejected records for the load operation. If there are not any rejected rows in the operation, the query does not show any rejected rows.


Depending on the errors shown in the log and the rows shown in the BADFILE_TABLE file you can correct the error by specifying the correct format options in DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA.

When the format type is "datapump", any rows rejected up to the specified rejectlimit are logged in the log file, but a BADFILE_TABLE is not generated.

By default the LOGFILE_TABLE and BADFILE_TABLE files are retained for two days and then automatically removed. You can change the number of retention days with the logretention option for the format parameter.

See DBMS_CLOUD Package Format Options for information on the enablelogs, logdir, logprefix, and logretention options for the format parameter.

See DELETE_ALL_OPERATIONS Procedure for information on clearing the log files.

See Track DBMS_CLOUD Load Operations for information on the dba_load_operations and user_load_operations views.

Monitor and Troubleshoot Bulk File Operations

See Monitor and Troubleshoot Bulk File Loads for information on monitoring and troubleshooting for bulk file operations.

Monitor and Troubleshoot ORC, Parquet, or Avro File Loading

As with other data files, ORC, Parquet, and Avro data loads generate logs that are viewable in the tables dba_load_operations and user_load_operations. Each load operation adds a record to dba[user]_load_operations that indicates the table containing the logs.

The log table provides summary information about the load.


For ORC, Parquet, or Avro files, when the format parameter type is set to the value orc, parquet or avro the BADFILE_TABLE table is always empty.

  • PRIMARY KEY constraint errors throw an ORA error.
  • If data for a column encounters a conversion error, for example, the target column is not large enough to hold the converted value, the value for the column is set to NULL. This does not produce a rejected record.

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