The Table AI Assist Tool

The Table AI Assist Tool enables you to add, remove, and rename columns in a table using AI assistance. It enables you to augment or correct data found in tables in your local schema using natural language AI prompts. For example, prepare data for analytics by adding columns for days of the week or reporting quarters or deriving the distance between two sets of geographical co-ordinates, and more.

You can add columns for day, month, quarter and year using data in a date column or add a distance column from two columns with geographical co-ordinates.

The Table AI Assist tool enables you to prepare and enhance data for analytics, for example by deriving separate columns from a single date column for time-based reporting, or by calculating the distance between two geographical co-ordinates and adding that as a new column. The Table AI Assist tool works by using your configured AI profile to generate SQL to prepare your data. The output of the tool can then be a new view on top of your source table, or a new table.

See Data Studio Settings to set and configure your AI profile.

The following topics describe the Table AI Assist page and how to use it:

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