Before You Begin with Autonomous Database

Before you begin using Autonomous Database, you should be familiar with Oracle Cloud. See Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.

Before you create Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure deployments:

  • On Oracle Cloud, purchase a subscription. You cannot create an Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure deployment until you do so.

  • Ensure your service limits show at least one supported Exadata system shape available. Before attempting to create the infrastructure resources, request a service limit increase if necessary. See Request Service Limit Increase for guidance.
  • Institute access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel and applications have network access to the Autonomous Databases created on dedicated Exadata infrastructure. See Add Users, Assign Policies and Roles for more information.
  • To get started with Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure, the fleet administrator must create the core infrastructure resources listed below:
  • You can now create an Autonomous Database using the infrastructure resources created above. See Create an Autonomous Database for details.
  • Optionally, if you want to leverage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage for data loading, you need your object store credentials to use with Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure, including a username and a password. Your username is your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user name, and your password is your auth token. See Working with Auth Tokens for more details.

After you create Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure deployments, you can connect to your Autonomous Database and develop applications. Refer to Develop Applications with Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure for guidance.


You can refer to the following use cases for a demonstration of the above discussed steps with an example: