Job Remains in the Accepted State

A job might remain in the Accepted state if the instance hasn't checked in, the browser cache is stale, or the Autonomous Linux plugin on the instance isn't running.

Potential causes

  • The Autonomous Linux plugin on the target instance hasn't checked in recently with the service. The check-in occurs every 2 minutes.
  • The browser is caching stale data and the user interface isn't up-to-date.
  • The Autonomous Linux plugin on the target instance isn't running.


  • Verify that the target instance recently checked-in. You can view the last check-in time by viewing instance details.
  • Refresh the browser cache to ensure you're viewing the latest data.
  • To check if the plugin is running:

    1. Connect to the instance by using SSH.
    2. Confirm that the Autonomous Linux plugin is running.
      ps -ef | awk '{print $8}' | grep osmh
    3. If the agent isn't running, start the agent.

      sudo systemctl start mgmt_agent
    4. If the agent is running, examine the /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/osmh/stateDir/log/osmh-agent.log for details.