Manage Delegate Access Control Resources Using the APIs
Delegate Access Control application programming interfaces (APIs) assist with managing and auditing access control to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartments.
Review the list of REST API endpoints to manage Delegation Control.
ListDelegationControlResources: Returns a list of resources associated with the Delegation Control.
ListDelegationControls: Lists the Delegation Controls in the compartment.
GetDelegationControl: Gets the Delegation Control associated with the specified Delegation Control ID.
CreateDelegationControl: Creates a Delegation Control.
UpdateDelegationControl: Updates the existing Delegation Control for a given Delegation Control ID.
ChangeDelegationControlCompartment: Moves the Delegation Control resource into a different compartment. When provided, 'If-Match' is checked against 'ETag' values of the resource.
DeleteDelegationControl: Deletes a Delegation Control. You cannot delete a Delegation Control if it is assigned to govern any target resource currently or in the future. In that case, first, delete all of the current and future assignments before deleting the Delegation Control. A Delegation Control that was previously assigned to a target resource is marked as DELETED following a successful deletion. However, it is not completely deleted from the system. This is to ensure auditing information for the accesses done under the Delegation Control is preserved for future needs. The system purges the deleted Delegation Control only when all of the audit data associated with the Delegation Control are also deleted. Therefore, you cannot reuse the name of the deleted Delegation Control until the system purges the Delegation Control.
Using the API to Manage Delegated Resource Access Request 🔗
Review the list of REST API endpoints to manage Delegated Resource Access Request.
ListDelegatedResourceAccessRequests: Lists all Delegated Resource Access Requests in the compartment. Note that only one of the life cycle states or request status query parameter can be used.
GetDelegatedResourceAccessRequest: Gets details of a Delegated Resource Access Request.
GetDelegatedResourceAccessRequestAuditLogReport: Gets the audit log report for the given Delegated Resource Access Request.
ListDelegatedResourceAccessRequestHistories: Lists a history of all statuses associated with the Delegated Resource Access RequestId.
ListServiceProviderInteractions: Lists interaction between customer and support operators.
ApproveDelegatedResourceAccessRequest: Approves a Delegated Resource Access Request.
RejectDelegatedResourceAccessRequest: Rejects a Delegated Resource Access Request.
RevokeDelegatedResourceAccessRequest: Revokes an already approved Delegated Resource Access Request.
ServiceProviderInteractionRequest: Requests information from the Service Provider for a specific Delegated Resource Access Request.
Review the list of REST API endpoints to manage Delegation Subscription.
ListDelegationSubscriptions: Lists the Delegation Subscriptions in Delegation Control.
GetDelegationSubscription: Gets a DelegationSubscription by identifier.
CreateDelegationSubscription: Creates Delegation Subscription in Delegation Control.
UpdateDelegationSubscription: Updates the existing Delegation Subscription for a given Delegation Subscription ID.
ChangeDelegationSubscriptionCompartment: Moves the Delegation Subscription resource into a different compartment. When provided, 'If-Match' is checked against 'ETag' values of the resource.
DeleteDelegationSubscription: Deletes a Delegation Subscription in Delegation Control.