Can't Remove Module from a Group

If an instance in the group has a different set of module profiles installed than shown in the group manifest, you can't remove the module from the group.

Attempting to remove a module from a group can result in the following error:

Cannot disable module: <module> stream: <stream> because it has profile: <profile> installed that is not being removed on managed instance: <ocid>. Please remove the profile <profile> before attempting to disable the module stream.

This error indicates that the instance in the group has a different module stream profile than what is listed in the group manifest. This can occur if the module stream profile was installed on the instance before it joined the group or the module profile was installed outside of OS Management Hub. See Understanding the Group Manifest for more information.


Remove the module stream profile directly from the instance and then use OS Management Hub to remove the module from the group.

  1. Connect to the instance by using SSH.
  2. Remove the module profile from the instance.
    sudo dnf module remove <module-name>:<stream>/<profile>
  3. Using OS Management Hub, retry removing the module from the group.