Multicloud Oracle Database Backup Support

Recovery Service supports multicloud Oracle Databases, such as Oracle Database@Azure and Oracle Database@Google Cloud and provides the flexibility to store backups in the same cloud location where a multicloud database resides.

Recovery Service creates protected databases and related backups in Oracle Cloud by default. You can optionally override this default behavior for your multicloud Oracle Databases such as Oracle Database@Azure and Oracle Database@Google Cloud.

If you enable the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option for a protection policy, then the policy-linked protected database and backups will be stored in the same cloud location where the Oracle Database is provisioned. For example, for Oracle Database@Azure, Recovery Service stores the associated protected database backups in Azure if you have selected the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option in the protection policy.

If you do not select the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database for a protection policy, then the policy-linked protected database and backups will be stored in Oracle Cloud even if your Oracle Database is provisioned in a different cloud location.