
oci.bastion.BastionClient Use the Bastion API to provide restricted and time-limited access to target resources that don’t have public endpoints.
oci.bastion.BastionClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around BastionClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.bastion.models.Bastion A bastion resource.
oci.bastion.models.BastionSummary Summary information for a bastion resource.
oci.bastion.models.ChangeBastionCompartmentDetails Details about the compartment that the bastion should move to.
oci.bastion.models.CreateBastionDetails The configuration details for a new bastion.
oci.bastion.models.CreateDynamicPortForwardingSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a dynamic port forwarding session for a target subnet.
oci.bastion.models.CreateManagedSshSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a managed SSH session for a target resource.
oci.bastion.models.CreatePortForwardingSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a port forwarding session for a target resource.
oci.bastion.models.CreateSessionDetails The configuration details for a new bastion session.
oci.bastion.models.CreateSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a bastion session’s target resource.
oci.bastion.models.DynamicPortForwardingSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a dynamic port forwarding session for a target subnet.
oci.bastion.models.ManagedSshSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a managed SSH session for a target resource.
oci.bastion.models.PortForwardingSessionTargetResourceDetails Details about a port forwarding session for a target resource.
oci.bastion.models.PublicKeyDetails Public key details for a bastion session.
oci.bastion.models.Session A bastion session resource.
oci.bastion.models.SessionSummary Summary information for a bastion session resource.
oci.bastion.models.TargetResourceDetails Details about a bastion session’s target resource.
oci.bastion.models.UpdateBastionDetails The configuration to update on an existing bastion.
oci.bastion.models.UpdateSessionDetails The session information to be updated.
oci.bastion.models.WorkRequest A description of workrequest status.
oci.bastion.models.WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.
oci.bastion.models.WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from the execution of a work request.
oci.bastion.models.WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.
oci.bastion.models.WorkRequestSummary A description of workrequest status.