
oci.sch.ConnectorPluginsClient Use the Connector Hub API to transfer data between services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
oci.sch.ServiceConnectorClient Use the Connector Hub API to transfer data between services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
oci.sch.ConnectorPluginsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ConnectorPluginsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.sch.ServiceConnectorClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ServiceConnectorClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.sch.models.ChangeServiceConnectorCompartmentDetails The configuration details for moving a connector to a different compartment.
oci.sch.models.ConnectorPlugin A service source or service target used to create a connector.
oci.sch.models.ConnectorPluginCollection A list of connector plugins that match filter criteria.
oci.sch.models.ConnectorPluginSummary Summary information for a connector plugin.
oci.sch.models.CreateServiceConnectorDetails The configuration details for creating a connector.
oci.sch.models.DimensionDetails A dimension name and value.
oci.sch.models.DimensionValueDetails Instructions for extracting the value corresponding to the specified dimension key: Either extract the value as-is (static) or derive the value from a path (evaluated).
oci.sch.models.FunctionTaskDetails The Functions task.
oci.sch.models.FunctionsTargetDetails The destination function for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.JmesPathDimensionValue Evaluated type of dimension value.
oci.sch.models.LatestStreamingCursor LATEST cursor type.
oci.sch.models.LogRuleTaskDetails The log filter task.
oci.sch.models.LogSource The logs for this Logging source.
oci.sch.models.LoggingAnalyticsTargetDetails The destination log group for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.LoggingSourceDetails The Logging source.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSource A compartment-specific list of metric namespaces to retrieve data from.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceAllMetrics Discriminator for metrics in the compartment-specific list.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceDetails The Monitoring source.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceMetricDetails The metrics to query for the specified metric namespace.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceNamespaceDetails Discriminator for namespaces in the compartment-specific list.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceSelectedNamespace A metric namespace for the compartment-specific list.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringSourceSelectedNamespaceDetails The namespaces for the compartment-specific list.
oci.sch.models.MonitoringTargetDetails The destination metric for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.NotificationsTargetDetails The destination topic for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.ObjectStorageTargetDetails The destination bucket for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.PluginSourceDetails Details about a connector plugin used to fetch data from a source.
oci.sch.models.ServiceConnector The configuration details of the flow defined by the connector.
oci.sch.models.ServiceConnectorCollection Collection of connector property summaries.
oci.sch.models.ServiceConnectorSummary A summary of properties for the specified connector.
oci.sch.models.SourceConnectorPlugin A connector plugin for fetching data from a source service.
oci.sch.models.SourceConnectorPluginSummary Summary information for a connector plugin that fetches data from a source service.
oci.sch.models.SourceDetails An object that represents the source of the flow defined by the connector.
oci.sch.models.StaticDimensionValue Static type of dimension value (passed as-is).
oci.sch.models.StreamingCursorDetails The `read setting`__, which determines where in the stream to start moving data.
oci.sch.models.StreamingSourceDetails The Streaming source.
oci.sch.models.StreamingTargetDetails The destination stream for data transferred from the source.
oci.sch.models.TargetConnectorPlugin A connector plugin for sending data to a target service.
oci.sch.models.TargetConnectorPluginSummary Summary information for a connector plugin that sends data to a target service.
oci.sch.models.TargetDetails An object that represents the target of the flow defined by the connector.
oci.sch.models.TaskDetails An object that represents a task within the flow defined by the connector.
oci.sch.models.TrimHorizonStreamingCursor TRIM_HORIZON cursor type.
oci.sch.models.UpdateServiceConnectorDetails The configuration details for updating a connector.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequest An object representing an asynchronous work flow.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestCollection Collection of work requests.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection Collection of work request errors.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from the execution of a work request.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection Collection of work request logs.
oci.sch.models.WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.