
oci.limits.LimitsClient APIs that interact with the resource limits of a specific resource type.
oci.limits.QuotasClient APIs that interact with the resource limits of a specific resource type.
oci.limits.LimitsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around LimitsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.limits.QuotasClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around QuotasClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.limits.models.AddLockDetails Request payload to add lock to the resource.
oci.limits.models.CreateQuotaDetails Request object for create quota operation.
oci.limits.models.LimitDefinitionSummary The metadata specific to a resource limit definition.
oci.limits.models.LimitValueSummary The value of a specific resource limit.
oci.limits.models.Quota Quotas are applied on top of the service limits and inherited through the nested compartment hierarchy.
oci.limits.models.QuotaSummary Consists of a subset of all the properties of the corresponding quota, and is recommended to be used in cases requiring security of quota details, and for slightly better API performance.
oci.limits.models.RemoveLockDetails Request payload to remove the resource lock.
oci.limits.models.ResourceAvailability The availability of a given resource limit, based on the usage, tenant service limits, and quotas set for the tenancy.
oci.limits.models.ResourceLock Resource locks prevent certain APIs from being called for the resource.
oci.limits.models.ServiceSummary A specific OCI service supported by resource limits.
oci.limits.models.UpdateQuotaDetails Request object for update quota operation.