
oci.vault.VaultsClient Use the Secret Management API to manage secrets and secret versions.
oci.vault.VaultsClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around VaultsClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.vault.models.AdbTargetSystemDetails Target System type and id for an autonomous database target system
oci.vault.models.Base64SecretContentDetails Base64-encoded secret content.
oci.vault.models.BytesGenerationContext Generates random bytes.
oci.vault.models.ChangeSecretCompartmentDetails Specifies the updated compartment OCID for the secret.
oci.vault.models.CreateSecretDetails The details of the secret that you want to create.
oci.vault.models.FunctionTargetSystemDetails Details of the OCI function that vault secret connects to.
oci.vault.models.PassphraseGenerationContext Generates Passphrase type secrets.
oci.vault.models.RotationConfig Defines the frequency of the rotation and the information about the target system
oci.vault.models.ScheduleSecretDeletionDetails Details for scheduling the deletion of the specified secret.
oci.vault.models.ScheduleSecretVersionDeletionDetails Schedules the deletion of the specified secret version.
oci.vault.models.Secret The details of the secret.
oci.vault.models.SecretContentDetails The content of the secret and metadata to help identify it.
oci.vault.models.SecretExpiryRule A rule that helps enforce the expiration of a secret’s contents.
oci.vault.models.SecretGenerationContext Captures a configurable set of secret generation rules such as length, base characters, additional characters, and so on.
oci.vault.models.SecretReuseRule A rule that disallows reuse of previously used secret content by the specified secret.
oci.vault.models.SecretRule A rule that you can apply to a secret to enforce certain conditions on the secret’s usage and management.
oci.vault.models.SecretSummary The details of the secret, excluding the contents of the secret.
oci.vault.models.SecretVersion The details of the secret version, excluding the contents of the secret.
oci.vault.models.SecretVersionSummary The secret version summary object, which doesn’t include the contents of the secret.
oci.vault.models.SshKeyGenerationContext Generates ssh keys.
oci.vault.models.TargetSystemDetails The TargetSystemDetails provides the targetSystem type and type-specific connection metadata
oci.vault.models.UpdateSecretDetails Details for updating a secret.