
oci.healthchecks.HealthChecksClient API for the Health Checks service.
oci.healthchecks.HealthChecksClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around HealthChecksClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.healthchecks.models.ChangeHttpMonitorCompartmentDetails The request body used to move a monitor into a compartment.
oci.healthchecks.models.ChangePingMonitorCompartmentDetails The request body used to move a monitor into a compartment.
oci.healthchecks.models.Connection The network connection results.
oci.healthchecks.models.CreateHttpMonitorDetails The request body used to create an HTTP monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.CreateOnDemandHttpProbeDetails The request body used to create an on-demand HTTP probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.CreateOnDemandPingProbeDetails The request body used to create an on-demand ping probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.CreatePingMonitorDetails The request body used to create a Ping monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.DNS The DNS resolution results.
oci.healthchecks.models.Geolocation Geographic information about a vantage point.
oci.healthchecks.models.HealthChecksVantagePointSummary Information about a vantage point.
oci.healthchecks.models.HttpMonitor This model contains all of the mutable and immutable properties for an HTTP monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.HttpMonitorSummary A summary containing all of the mutable and immutable properties for an HTTP monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.HttpProbe A summary that contains all of the mutable and immutable properties for an HTTP probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.HttpProbeResultSummary The results returned by running an HTTP probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.PingMonitor A summary containing all of the mutable and immutable properties for a ping monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.PingMonitorSummary This model contains all of the mutable and immutable summary properties for an HTTP monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.PingProbe This model contains all of the mutable and immutable properties for a ping probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.PingProbeResultSummary The results returned by running a ping probe.
oci.healthchecks.models.Routing The routing information for a vantage point.
oci.healthchecks.models.TcpConnection TCP connection results.
oci.healthchecks.models.UpdateHttpMonitorDetails The request body used to update an HTTP monitor.
oci.healthchecks.models.UpdatePingMonitorDetails The request body used to update a ping monitor.