Key Management

oci.key_management.EkmClient Use the Key Management API to manage vaults and keys.
oci.key_management.KmsCryptoClient Use the Key Management API to manage vaults and keys.
oci.key_management.KmsHsmClusterClient Use the Key Management API to manage vaults and keys.
oci.key_management.KmsManagementClient Use the Key Management API to manage vaults and keys.
oci.key_management.KmsVaultClient Use the Key Management API to manage vaults and keys.
oci.key_management.EkmClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around EkmClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.key_management.KmsCryptoClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around KmsCryptoClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.key_management.KmsHsmClusterClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around KmsHsmClusterClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.key_management.KmsManagementClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around KmsManagementClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.
oci.key_management.KmsVaultClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around KmsVaultClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.key_management.models.AutoKeyRotationDetails The details of auto rotation schedule for the Key being create updated or imported.
oci.key_management.models.BackupKeyDetails The details of the Key that you wish to backup.
oci.key_management.models.BackupLocation Backup upload location
oci.key_management.models.BackupLocationBucket Object storage bucket details to upload or download the backup
oci.key_management.models.BackupLocationURI PreAuthenticated object storage URI to upload or download the backup
oci.key_management.models.BackupVaultDetails The details of the Vault that you wish to backup.
oci.key_management.models.ChangeHsmClusterCompartmentDetails The details of the compartment you wish to move the hsm cluster to.
oci.key_management.models.ChangeKeyCompartmentDetails The deatils of the compartment that you wish to move the Key.
oci.key_management.models.ChangeVaultCompartmentDetails The details of the compartment you wish to move the Vault.
oci.key_management.models.CreateEkmsPrivateEndpointDetails Information needed to create EKMS private endpoint resource
oci.key_management.models.CreateHsmClusterDetails The details of the HSM cluster resource that you want to create.
oci.key_management.models.CreateKeyDetails The details of the key that you want to create.
oci.key_management.models.CreateVaultDetails The details of the vault that you want to create.
oci.key_management.models.CreateVaultReplicaDetails Creates a vault replica.
oci.key_management.models.DecryptDataDetails The details of the encrypted data that you want to decrypt.
oci.key_management.models.DecryptedData The response to a request to decrypt the encrypted data.
oci.key_management.models.DeleteVaultReplicaDetails Deletes a vault replica
oci.key_management.models.EkmsPrivateEndpoint EKMS private endpoint created in customer subnet used to connect to external key manager system
oci.key_management.models.EkmsPrivateEndpointSummary EKMS private endpoints summary
oci.key_management.models.EncryptDataDetails The details of the plaintext data that you want to encrypt.
oci.key_management.models.EncryptedData The response to a request to encrypt the plaintext data.
oci.key_management.models.ExportKeyDetails The details of the key that you want to wrap and export.
oci.key_management.models.ExportedKeyData The response to a request to export key material.
oci.key_management.models.ExternalKeyManagerMetadata Metadata required for accessing External Key manager
oci.key_management.models.ExternalKeyManagerMetadataSummary Summary about metadata of external key manager to be returned to the customer as a response.
oci.key_management.models.ExternalKeyReference A reference to the key on external key manager.
oci.key_management.models.ExternalKeyReferenceDetails Key reference data to be returned to the customer as a response.
oci.key_management.models.ExternalKeyVersionReference A reference to key version on external key manager.
oci.key_management.models.GenerateKeyDetails The details of the key that you want to encrypt or decrypt data.
oci.key_management.models.GeneratedKey The reponse to the regeuest to generate the key to encrypt or decrypt the data.
oci.key_management.models.HsmCluster Dedicated KMS-HSM Cluster Management
oci.key_management.models.HsmClusterCollection HsmClusterCollection object with page of HsmClusterSummary objects.
oci.key_management.models.HsmClusterSummary An object which encapsulates the details of a given HSM Cluster.
oci.key_management.models.HsmPartition Dedicated KMS-HSM Partition Management
oci.key_management.models.HsmPartitionCollection HsmPartitionCollection object with page of HsmPartitionSummary objects.
oci.key_management.models.HsmPartitionSummary An object which encapsulates the details of a given HSM.
oci.key_management.models.ImportKeyDetails The details of the Key that you wish to import.
oci.key_management.models.ImportKeyVersionDetails The details of the KeyVersion that you wish to import.
oci.key_management.models.Key The logical entities that represent one or more key versions, each of which contains cryptographic material.
oci.key_management.models.KeyReplicaDetails Key replica details
oci.key_management.models.KeyShape The cryptographic properties of a key.
oci.key_management.models.KeySummary The details of the Key.
oci.key_management.models.KeyVersion The details of the KeyVersion associated with the Key.
oci.key_management.models.KeyVersionReplicaDetails KeyVersion replica details
oci.key_management.models.KeyVersionSummary The details of the KeyVersion.
oci.key_management.models.OauthMetadata Authorization details required to get access token from IDP for accessing protected resources.
oci.key_management.models.OauthMetadataSummary Summary about authorization to be returned to the customer as a response.
oci.key_management.models.PortInformation Details of a single portInformation item include the PortNumber (an integer used as an identifier) and the PortType (this refers to either an enum value of Management Utility, Client Utility, or null)
oci.key_management.models.PreCoUserCredentials Pre Crypto officer user credentials.
oci.key_management.models.ReplicaDetails Details of replication status
oci.key_management.models.ReplicationStatusDetails Details of replication status across all replica regions
oci.key_management.models.RestoreKeyFromObjectStoreDetails The details of the backup location from which you want to restore the Key.
oci.key_management.models.RestoreVaultFromObjectStoreDetails The details of the backup location from which you want to restore the Vault.
oci.key_management.models.ScheduleHsmClusterDeletionDetails Details for scheduling HSM resource deletion.
oci.key_management.models.ScheduleKeyDeletionDetails Details for scheduling key deletion.
oci.key_management.models.ScheduleKeyVersionDeletionDetails Details for scheduling key version deletion.
oci.key_management.models.ScheduleVaultDeletionDetails Details for scheduling vault deletion.
oci.key_management.models.SignDataDetails The details of the message that you want to sign.
oci.key_management.models.SignedData The response to a request to sign the message.
oci.key_management.models.UpdateEkmsPrivateEndpointDetails Information needed to modify EKMS private endpoint resource
oci.key_management.models.UpdateHsmClusterDetails The details of the HsmCluster resource that you wish to update.
oci.key_management.models.UpdateKeyDetails The details of the Key that you wish to update.
oci.key_management.models.UpdateVaultDetails The details of the Vault that you wish to update.
oci.key_management.models.UploadPartitionCertificatesDetails An object that encapsulates the necessary partition certificates.
oci.key_management.models.Vault The logical entity where the Vault service creates and durably stores keys.
oci.key_management.models.VaultReplicaDetails Vault replica details
oci.key_management.models.VaultReplicaSummary Summary of vault replicas
oci.key_management.models.VaultSummary The details of the Vault.
oci.key_management.models.VaultUsage The details of the number of Keys and KeyVersions usage in a Vault.
oci.key_management.models.VerifiedData The response to a request to verify the message.
oci.key_management.models.VerifyDataDetails The details of the message that you want to verify.
oci.key_management.models.WrappedImportKey The details of the wrapped import Key.
oci.key_management.models.WrappingKey The public RSA wrapping key associated with the vault