Object Storage Namespaces

Learn about how to access and use your namespace for running Object Storage tasks.

Object Storage namespace serves as the top-level container for all buckets and objects. At account creation time, each Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenant is assigned one unique system-generated and immutable Object Storage namespace name. The namespace spans all compartments across all regions. You control bucket names, but those bucket names must be unique within a namespace. While the namespace is region-specific, the namespace name itself is the same in all regions.


You can't customize, change, or request a namespace name change.


For some older tenancies, the namespace name string might be based on your tenancy name instead of being machine generated. If your namespace was created based on your tenancy name, your namespace uses all lower-case letters (regardless of the presence of capital letters in your tenancy name). When using the API, CLI, or SDKs and the CLI, do not use capital letters in your namespace name string.

If your tenancy is assigned a namespace name of axaxnpcrorw5, that's your namespace name in all regions. You can create a bucket named MyBucket in US West (Phoenix). You can't create another bucket named MyBucket in US West (Phoenix). You can, however, create a bucket named MyBucket in Germany Central (Frankfurt). Because the namespace name is unique to a tenant, other customers can create buckets named MyBucket in their own namespaces.

Within a namespace, buckets and objects exist in flat hierarchy, but you can simulate a directory structure to help navigate a large set of objects. See Object Naming Using Prefixes and Hierarchies for details.

The namespace metadata stores the default compartment assignments for the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and the Swift API. For more information, see Compartments for the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API.

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