Viewing DB System Details

View the DB system details page to see information about the DB system and the resources associated with it.

Using the Console

Use the Console to view the details of a DB system.

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click DB systems.
  2. Choose your compartment from the List scope.
  3. In the list of DB systems, click the name of the DB system to open the DB system details page.

DB System Details

Use the DB system details page to see information about the DB system and the resources associated with it.

Table 8-3 DB System Details page

Name Description
DB system information Summary information about this DB system and its configuration. See DB System Information.
Connections Details about networking, endpoint, and security certificate. See Connections.
Tags Details about the tags present on this DB system. See Managing Tags.
  • Metrics: Measurements such as the number of connections to this DB system, and its CPU and memory utilization. See Resource: Metrics.
  • Endpoints: Details of the endpoint for MySQL clients and connectors to access this DB system, and its availability status. See Resource: Endpoints.
  • Read replicas: Details of read replicas of the DB system. See Resource: Read Replicas.
  • HeatWave cluster: Details of any HeatWave cluster for which this DB system is the node. See Resource: HeatWave cluster.
  • Backups: The backup plan for this DB system and a list of the backups already made for it. See Resource: Backups.
  • Channels: The replication channels that are configured for this DB system. See Resource: Channels.
  • Work requests: Activity logs for ongoing and recent operations on the DB system. Work requests are retained for 12 hours. See Resource: Work Requests.

DB System Information

Use the DB system information section of the DB system details page to see an overview of the DB system's configuration and resources.

Table 8-4 DB system Information

Field Description
General information
  • OCID: The unique identifier of the DB system.
  • Description: A user-defined description of the DB system.
  • Compartment: The name of the compartment in which the DB system is created. To see the OCID of the compartment, click the compartment name.
  • Created: The date and time the DB system was created.
  • Last updated: The date and time the DB system was last updated.
DB system configuration
  • Shape: The resource template applied to the DB system. See Supported Shapes.
  • ECPU count or OCPU count: The number of ECPUs or OCPUs allocated to the DB system. For Highly Available systems, this also provides a breakdown of ECPUs or OCPUs used per instance.
  • Memory: The amount of RAM allocated to the DB system. For Highly Available systems, this also provides a breakdown of RAM allocated per instance.
  • Automatic storage expansion: Displays automatic storage expansion status. Enabled or Disabled. Click Edit to open the Update storage size dialog box. See Enabling or Disabling Automatic Storage Expansion.
  • Allocated storage size: (Is shown when automatic storage expansion is enabled) The amount of storage currently allocated to the DB system. For Highly Available systems, this also provides a breakdown of storage size allocated to each instance.
  • Maximum storage size: (Is shown when automatic storage expansion is enabled) The maximum amount of storage that can be allocated to the DB system . For Highly Available systems, this also provides a breakdown of the maximum storage size that can be allocated to each instance.
  • Storage size: (Is shown when automatic storage expansion is disabled) The amount of storage available to the DB system. For Highly Available systems, this also provides a breakdown of storage allocated per instance. Click Edit to open the Update storage size dialog box. See Increasing the Storage of a DB System.
  • Database version: The version of MySQL contained by the DB system. Click Edit to change the MySQL version. See MySQL Server Versions.
  • Configuration: The name of the MySQL configuration used in the DB system and a link to that configuration's details page.
  • Crash recovery: Displays whether crash recovery is enabled or disabled. See Crash Recovery.
  • Automatic backups: Displays automatic backup status. Enabled or Disabled. See Backing Up a DB System.
  • Backup window: Displays the time at which the automatic backup window starts.
  • Retention days: Displays the number of days the automatic backups are retained.
  • Point-in-time recovery: Displays whether point-in-time recovery is enabled or disabled. See Point-In-Time Recovery.
  • Maintenance window start: The time at which the maintenance window starts. Required maintenance of the DB system, such as Operating System or MySQL Server patching or maintenance, is performed during a window which starts at this time. See Maintenance.
  • Customer contacts: Displays whether any customer contact is configured. None or Configured.
Associated services
  • Database Management: Displays the status of Database Management. Enabled or Disabled. Also, you can see metrics, configuration variables, and Performance Hub by clicking Details if it is enabled. See Database Management.
  • Ops Insights: Displays the status of Ops Insights. Enabled or Disabled. Also, you can view capacity planning or SQL insights by clicking View Capacity Planning or View SQL Insights if it is enabled.
High availability
  • High availability: Displays the high availability status for this DB system. Enabled or Disabled. See High Availability.
  • High availability type: One of the following:
    • Multi-AD: The MySQL instances are placed in different availability domains.
    • Multi-FD: The MySQL instances are placed in different fault domains in a single availability domain.
HeatWave cluster
  • HeatWave cluster: Displays HeatWave cluster status for this DB system. Enabled or Disabled. If the DB system is using the correct shape, an active link to Enable HeatWave Cluster is also displayed. This opens the Add HeatWave cluster dialog. See Adding a HeatWave Cluster.
  • State: Displays the current state of the HeatWave cluster; Active or Inactive. See HeatWave Cluster States.
  • HeatWave Lakehouse: Displays whether HeatWave Lakehouse is enabled.
Deletion plan
  • Delete protected: Displays whether delete protection is enabled or disabled on your DB system. See Deleting a DB System.
  • Automatic backup retention: Displays whether the automatic backups are retained or deleted after you delete your DB system. By default, automatic backups are deleted when you delete the DB system.
  • Final backup: Displays whether a final backup is created or skipped before deleting the DB system. By default, the final backup is skipped, that is, not created.
  • Delete protected read replicas: Displays the read replicas that are delete protected. See Read Replica.
  • Availability domain: The availability domain the DB system is in. See Regions and Availability Domains.
  • Fault domain: The fault domain within the availability domain. See Fault Domains.
  • Preferred availability domain: (High availability only) the selected location of the primary instance. If a failover has occurred, and the MySQL instances are in different availability domains, a message is displayed here, stating that the current primary is not in the preferred location. See Overview of High Availability.
  • Preferred fault domain: (High availability only) the selected location of the primary instance. If a failover has occurred, and the MySQL instances are in different fault domains, a message is displayed here, stating that the current primary is not in the preferred location. See Overview of High Availability.
Read replicas
  • Failed: An error prevented creating or operating the read replica.
  • Needs attention: This status is displayed for the following reasons:
    • There is an error in the read replica. See the tooltip in the State field in the Read replica details page for further details.
    • The read replica is the INACTIVE state.
    • The read replica was created or updated while the DB system was in INACTIVE state.
  • Inactive: The read replica is not running.
  • Active: The read replica is running successfully.

    See Read Replica.

Inbound replication channel Displayed only if a channel is associated with the DB system. See Inbound Replication.
  • Replication channel: whether the channel is enabled or disabled.
  • Channel state: The lifecycle state of the channel.


Use the Connections section of the DB system details page to see the details of networking, endpoints and security certificate.

Table 8-5 Connections

Field Description
  • Virtual cloud network: The network on which the DB system was created.
  • Subnet: The subnet to which the DB system is attached.
  • Subnet type: The type of subnet. Regional or AD-specific.
Security certificate The details you see depends on the settings in Advanced Option: Connections:
  • If you have let HeatWave Service define the security certificate: Security certificate: Service defined
  • If you have used BYOC and selected a security certificate:
    • Name: The name of the security certificate.
    • Description: The description of the security certificate.
    • State: The state of the security certificate.
    • Compartment: The compartment where the security certificate is present.
    • Configuration type: The type of the configuration, such as IMPORTED, or ISSUED_INTERNAL_CA.
    • Created: The date and time the security certificate was created.
  • If you have used BYOC and entered the OCID of the security certificate:
    • Security certificate: Bring your own certificate (BYOC)
    • OCID: The OCID of the security certificate.
Primary endpoint
  • Private IP address: The IP address of the primary endpoint of the DB system. This address is not accessible from the internet.
  • Internal FQDN: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the primary endpoint of the DB system. This value is populated only if you defined a hostname.
  • Database port: The port on which the primary endpoint listens for incoming connections.
  • Database X protocol port: The port on which the primary endpoint listens for clients using the MySQL X Protocol, such as MySQL Shell.

Resource: Metrics

The Metrics resource on the DB system details page shows measurements of resource utilization in the DB system, such as its CPU and memory utilization and disk activity.

Table 8-6 DB System Metrics

Field Description
Start/end time Specify a time range for the metric display.
Quick selects Select a predefined range.
Metric graphs For more information on the DB system metrics, see Events.
Filters: Metrics data Displayed only for DB systems with HeatWave clusters attached. Filters the metric data. The following selections are possible:
  • All: Display DB system and HeatWave cluster metrics data.
  • DB system: Display DB system metric data, only.
  • HeatWave cluster: Display HeatWave cluster metric data, only.
Aggregated HeatWave cluster metrics data Displays the aggregated metric data for the HeatWave cluster attached to the DB system.
  • Disabled: the data is displayed for each of the cluster's nodes. The relevant metric graphs display a line for each node.
  • Enabled: the node data is aggregated and displayed as a single line.

Resource: Endpoints

The Endpoints resource on the DB system details page shows the details and current state of the DB system's read/write endpoint, which clients and connectors can use to connect to the MySQL instance.

Table 8-7 Endpoints Overview

Field Description
Endpoint The name of the endpoint.
State Current state:
  • CREATING: Resources are being reserved, the system is booting, and the initial database is being created. Creating can take several minutes. The system is not ready to use yet.
  • ACTIVE: The resource was successfully created.
  • UPDATING: The resource is in the process of starting, stopping, or restarting.
  • INACTIVE: The resource is powered off.
  • DELETING: The DB system is being deleted.
  • DELETED: The DB system has been deleted and is no longer available.
  • FAILED: An error condition prevented the creation or continued operation of the DB system.
Modes One of the following values:
  • READ
Type The type of the endpoint:
  • Primary DB system
  • Read replica
  • Load balancer
Hostname The hostname of the endpoint. If you did not define a hostname, this field is left blank.
Address The IP address of the endpoint.
Database port The classic MySQL protocol port of the endpoint. Default is 3306.
Database X protocol port The MySQL X Protocol port of the endpoint.

Resource: Read Replicas

The Read replicas resource on the DB system details page shows the details and current state of the read replicas present on the DB system.

Table 8-8 Read Replicas Overview

Field Description
Name The name of the read replica.
State Current state:
  • CREATING: Resources are being reserved, the read replica is booting. Creating can take several minutes.
  • ACTIVE: The read replica was successfully created.
  • UPDATING: The resource is in the process of starting, stopping, or restarting.
  • NEEDS_ATTENTION: The read replica has failed beyond recovery and does not replicate from the DB system anymore. Delete the read replica and create a new one.
  • DELETING: The read replica is being deleted.
  • DELETED: The read replica has been deleted and is no longer available.
  • FAILED: An error condition prevented the creation or continued operation of the read replica.
Address The IP address of the read replica.
Created The date and time the read replica was created.
Last updated The date and time the read replica was last updated.

Resource: HeatWave cluster

The HeatWave cluster resource on the DB system details page shows information related to the HeatWave cluster and nodes. You can view and manage the HeatWave cluster attached to this DB system.

Table 8-9 HeatWave Cluster Information

Field Description
Shape The shape used for HeatWave cluster nodes.
State The state of the HeatWave cluster. See HeatWave Cluster States.
Node The number of nodes in the cluster.
Memory The amount of RAM allocated to the HeatWave cluster, which depends on the number of nodes you select.
HeatWave Lakehouse Displays whether HeatWave Lakehouse is enabled or disabled.
Created The date and time the HeatWave cluster was created.
Last updated The date and time the HeatWave cluster was last updated.

Table 8-10 HeatWave nodes

Column Description
Node Id The name of the HeatWave node.
State Current state of the HeatWave node. See HeatWave Cluster States.
Created The date and time the HeatWave node was created.

Resource: Backups

The Backups resource on the DB system details page shows the details of the backup plan for the DB system, and lists all backups of the DB system.

Table 8-11 Backups Overview

Field Description
Create Manual Backup Opens the Create manual backup dialog box.
Name Name of the backup
State State of the backup
Retention Days Retention period of the backup.
Size The size of the backup.
Created The date the backup was created.
Actions (three dot) menu
The Actions (three dot) menu contains the following:
  • View details: Opens the Backup details page. For more information, see Backup Details
  • Restore to new DB system: Opens the Restore to a new DB system page. For more information, see Restoring From a Backup.
  • Edit: Opens the Edit backup dialog box. You can edit the Display name and Description of the backup.
  • Copy OCID: Copies the backup OCID to the clipboard.
  • Add tags: Opens the Add tags dialog box enabling you to add tags to the backup.
  • View tags: Displays the tags applied to the backup.
  • Delete: Opens the Delete backup dialog box. Follow the prompts to delete the backup.

Resource: Channels

The Channels resource on the DB system details page shows the replication channels that are configured for this DB system, and their current status.

Table 8-12 Channels Overview

Field Description
Name The display name of the channel.
Source The IP address or hostname of the MySQL Source.
Target The name of the target DB system.
State Current state:
  • CREATING: The Channel is being created. Provisioning can take several minutes. The channel is not yet replicating data from the source to the target.

  • ACTIVE: The Channel was successfully enabled.

  • UPDATING: A Channel operation is ongoing.

  • NEEDS_ATTENTION: This status is displayed for the following reasons:
    • The Channel is not replicating due to an error. The Details column on the Channels page lists why the channel needs attention.
    • The target DB system is INACTIVE. This can also occur if the channel was created or updated while the DB system was in INACTIVE state. Pending actions are applied if the DB system is started.
  • INACTIVE: The Channel is not replicating because the user disabled it.

  • DELETING: The Channel is being deleted.

  • DELETED: The Channel has been deleted and is no longer available.

Details Information or errors relating to the current state of the channel.
Enabled Whether the channel is enabled.
Created Date and time the channel was created.
Actions menu The actions (three dot) menu contains the following:
  • View channel details: Opens the Channel details page. For more information, see Channel Details.
  • Disable/Enable: Click Disable to disable the replication channel. Click Enable to enable the replication channel. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling a Channel.
  • Reset: Resets the channel, removing all channel metadata. For more information, see Resetting a Channel.
  • Resume: Resumes the channel in the event of an error. For more information, see Resuming a Channel.
  • Copy OCID: Copies the OCID of the Channel to the clipboard.
  • View tags: Opens the View tags dialog, displaying all tags defined on this channel.
  • Add tags: Opens the Add tags dialog, enabling you to define tags for the channel.
  • Delete: Opens the Delete channel dialog. Follow the prompts to delete the channel.

Resource: Work Requests

The Work requests resource on the DB system details page lists the activity logs for ongoing and recent operations on the DB system. Work requests are retained for 12 hours.

Table 8-13 Work Requests

Field Description
Operation One of the following operation names:

For more information on Work Requests, see Work Request Overview.

State Current state:
  • ACCEPTED: The request is in the work request queue to be processed.

  • IN_PROGRESS: A work request record exists for the specified request, but there is no associated WORK_COMPLETED record.

  • SUCCEEDED: A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state SUCCEEDED.

  • FAILED: A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state FAILED.
  • CANCELING: The work request is in the process of canceling.

  • CANCELED: The work request has been canceled.

Progress A progress bar for the work request.
% Complete The percentage completion.
Accepted Date and time the operation was accepted.
Started Date and time the operation started.
Finished Date and time the operation finished.
Action menu (3 dots) Opens the Action menu. The following actions are possible:
  • View work request: opens the Work request details page.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to view the details of a DB system.

This task requires the following:
  • A DB system Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID).
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
  1. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
    oci mysql db-system get --db-system-id <DBSystemOCID>
If the oci mysql db-system get command validates and runs successfully, you get a response similar to the following, which retreives the DB system details:
  "data": {
    "availability-domain": "UK-CARDIFF-1-AD-1",
    "backup-policy": {
      "defined-tags": null,
      "freeform-tags": null,
      "is-enabled": true,
      "pitr-policy": {
        "is-enabled": false
      "retention-in-days": 10,
      "window-start-time": "03:42"
    "channels": [],
    "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..<ID>",
    "configuration-id": "ocid1.mysqlconfiguration.oc1..<ID>",
    "crash-recovery": "ENABLED",
    "current-placement": {
      "availability-domain": "UK-CARDIFF-1-AD-1",
      "fault-domain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-1"
    "data-storage-size-in-gbs": 1024,
    "defined-tags": {
      "Oracle-Tags": {
        "CreatedBy": "<Username>",
        "CreatedOn": "2023-04-18T07:00:48.996Z"
    "deletion-policy": {
      "automatic-backup-retention": "RETAIN",
      "final-backup": "REQUIRE_FINAL_BACKUP",
      "is-delete-protected": true
    "description": null,
    "display-name": "mysql20230418075107",
    "endpoints": [
        "hostname": null,
        "ip-address": "",
        "modes": [
        "port": 3306,
        "port-x": 33060,
        "resource-id": "ocid1.mysqlinstance.oc1.<ID>",
        "resource-type": "DBSYSTEM",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status-details": null
    "fault-domain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-1",
    "freeform-tags": {
      "Template": "Production"
    "heat-wave-cluster": null,
    "hostname-label": null,
    "id": "<ID>",
    "ip-address": "",
    "is-heat-wave-cluster-attached": false,
    "is-highly-available": false,
    "lifecycle-details": null,
    "lifecycle-state": "UPDATING",
    "maintenance": {
      "window-start-time": "THURSDAY 05:50"
    "mysql-version": "8.0.32",
    "point-in-time-recovery-details": null,
    "port": 3306,
    "port-x": 33060,
    "shape-name": "MySQL.VM.Standard.E4.4.64GB",
    "source": null,
    "subnet-id": "<ID>",
    "time-created": "2023-04-18T07:00:50.576000+00:00",
    "time-updated": "2023-04-18T07:46:27.778000+00:00"
  "etag": "qw1212cee7aff69c2880adc9c432f9eda03f978320e6719c4006c89--gzip"