Compute Metrics and Monitoring

You can monitor the health, capacity, and performance of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources by using metrics, alarms, and notifications. For more information, see Monitoring and Notifications.

For details about enabling monitoring for compute instances, see Compute Health Monitoring for Bare Metal Instances and Enabling Monitoring for Compute Instances.

There are multiple Monitoring service metric namespaces related to compute resources:

  • oci_computeagent: Metrics related to the activity level and throughput of compute instances, as emitted by the Compute Instance Monitoring plugin. See Compute Instance Metrics. To enable monitoring for compute instance metrics, see Enabling Monitoring for Compute Instances.
  • oci_instancepools: Metrics related to the lifecycle state of instances in instance pools. See Instance Pool Metrics.
  • oci_compute_instance_health: Metrics related to the accessibility and health of instances. See Compute Instance Health Metrics.
  • oci_compute_infrastructure_health: Metrics related to the up/down status, health, and maintenance status of instances. This namespace focuses specifically on the underlying infrastructure for instances. See Infrastructure Health Metrics.
  • oci_compute: Metrics related to the instance metadata service (IMDS) that provides information about running compute instances. See Compute Management Metrics.
  • oci_vmi_resource_utilization: Agentless compute metrics helps you monitor the status of compute instances without the use of Oracle Cloud Agent. See Agentless Compute Metrics.

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