How-to: Change an Instance Host Name

You can change the host name of Compute VM instances.


Changes made in the /etc/hosts and resolv.conf files revert to their original values when the instance restarts, unless you complete the steps outlined here.

To change the host name, use the following commands:

  1. Update the /etc/hostname file.
    hostnamectl set-hostname <new name>
  2. Edit the OCI configuration file and update the needed value to 2.
    sudo vi /etc/oci-hostname.conf
  3. Edit the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) from the OCI Console.
    1. Go to Compute instances.
    2. Select the instance.
    3. Under resources, select attached VNIC.
    4. From the Action Menu, select Edit.
    5. Change the host name to update the FQDN.
    6. Select Save changes.
  4. Reboot the instance.
  5. Check the host name with hostname command.
  6. Check if FQDN is resolving.
    host <ip address>
    nslookup <ip address>

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