Quick Action: Connecting a Public Subnet to the Internet
When you create a compute instance, additional steps are necessary to enable it to contact a host on the internet or accept a connection from a user on the internet. You can use a quick action to connect a public subnet to the internet.
Before you begin:
Quick actions provide an easy way to set up resources. To use this quick action, you must have created at least one compute instance with at least one public IP address.
About this task:
This quick action performs the steps to enable an instance to contact a host on the internet or accept a connection from a user on the internet. The quick action also creates the following resources:
- An internet gateway
- A route rule in a route table
- A security rule in a security list or network security group.
The compute instance is now able to connect to other hosts on the internet, and accept connections from internet clients. The required gateway, security settings, and route rules are configured.