Deleting an LPG

Delete a local peering gateway (LPG) from a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in Networking.

Prerequisite: Before you delete an LPG, delete all route rules in the VCN that specify the LPG as the target. Deleting those rules stops the routing in the VCN to the LPG. If a route rule refers to the LPG, it can't be deleted until the reference is removed.

See Listing VCN Route Tables and Updating a VCN Route Table's Rules for more about finding and updating route rules that refer to a gateway.

After deletion, the LPG's state could still be PEERED if the other LPG still exists. Whenever an LPG is deleted, the LPG at the other side of the peering changes to the REVOKED state.


After deleting an LPG, ensure that the other LPG in the peering (in the other VCN) is removed. That LPG can't be peered again. See Repurposing an LPG fails for more detail.

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