Getting a Cluster Node's Details

View details about cluster nodes Big Data Service.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Data Lake, click Big Data Service.
  2. Under Compartment, select the compartment that contains the cluster.
  3. In the list of clusters, click the name of the cluster.
  4. On the Cluster details page, click the name of a node to examine.
  5. On the Node details page, review the details.
    The Node information box contains this information:
    • Node OCID: The Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of the node.
    • Fully qualified hostname: The fully qualified hostname of the node.
    • Node type: Master, utility, or worker node.
    • Shape: The OCI Compute shape used for the node.
    • Attached block storage: The amount of block storage attached to the node.
    • Associated cluster: The name of the Big Data Service cluster that contains the node.
    • Maintenance reboot: The date a maintenance reboot is required.
    • SSH fingerprint: A sequence of bytes that identifies the SSH public key associated with the node.
    • Oracle Linux version: Oracle Linux version of the node.
    • Created: The date and time when the node was created.
    • Maintenance reboot due:
    • OS Patch Reboot required:

    The Network information section contains this information:

    • Private IP address: The private IP address of the node.
    • Subnet: The virtual cloud network (VCN) subnet used for the node.
    • Subnet OCID: The OCID for the subnet used.
    • Availability domain: The Availability domain in which the cluster that contains the node resides.
    • Fault domain: The fault domain in which the cluster that contains the node resides.