Shows the
steps to create an elastic pool in an existing Autonomous Database instance.
Open the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console by clicking the next to Oracle Cloud.
From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation menu click
Oracle Database and then click Autonomous Transaction
On the Autonomous Databases page
select an Autonomous Database from the links under the Display
name column.
To create an elastic pool:
To create an elastic pool the
instance must use the ECPU compute model and the workload type must be
Transaction Processing.
On the Autonomous Database Details
page select Manage resource allocation.
Verify that Compute auto
scaling is disabled.
If Compute auto
scaling is selected, disable Compute auto
In the Manage resource allocation area, deselect
Compute auto
Click Apply.
The Lifecycle state changes to
Scaling in Progress. After some time the
Lifecycle state changes to
On the Autonomous Database
Details page select Manage resource allocation to
display the Manage resource allocation
In the Manage resource allocation area, click
Show advanced options.
Select Enable elastic pool.
Select Create a elastic pool.
Enter or choose a pool size in the Pool ECPU count
Select a pool size from the list of pool shapes: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or
By default each instance in an elastic pool is automatically assigned a
maintenance window. By selecting a Pool ECPU count
that is 1024 greater, you have the option of assigning a custom 2-hour
maintenance window during which the leader and all elastic pool members are
patched together. To select a custom maintenance window for your elastic
pool, file a Service Request at Oracle Cloud
When you click Apply, the
Lifecycle state changes to Scaling in
Progress. After the Lifecycle state changes
to Available the changes apply immediately.
After you create an elastic pool, click Manage resource
allocation to display the elastic pool information. In the
Manage resource allocation area, the Elastic
pool field shows Enabled, the Pool
role field shows Leader, and the
Pool ECPU count field shows the pool size you
Create an Elastic Pool While Provisioning or
Cloning an Instance 🔗
You can
create or join an elastic pool when you provision or clone an Autonomous Database instance.
See Provision an Autonomous Database Instance for details on how to create an Autonomous Database for your
workload type using the Create Autonomous Database dialog.
To create an elastic pool the
instance must use the ECPU compute model and the workload type you select must be
Transaction Processing.
To create an elastic pool while provisioning or cloning:
In the Configure the database area, click
Show advanced options to show advanced options.
Deselect Compute auto scaling.
Select Enable elastic pool.
Select Create a elastic pool.
In the Pool ECPU count field, select a pool size from
the list of pool shapes.
The valid values that you can select are: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or
By default each instance in an elastic pool is
automatically assigned a maintenance window. By selecting a Pool
ECPU count that is 1024 greater, you have the option of
assigning a custom 2-hour maintenance window during which the leader and all
elastic pool members are patched together. To select a custom maintenance
window for your elastic pool, file a Service Request at Oracle Cloud Support.
The instance must not be a member of an elastic pool.
To join an elastic pool:
On the Autonomous Database Details
page select Manage resource allocation.
Verify that Compute auto
scaling is disabled.
If Compute auto
scaling is selected, disable Compute auto
In the Manage resource allocation area, deselect
Compute auto scaling.
Click Apply.
The Lifecycle state changes to
Scaling in Progress. After some time the
Lifecycle state changes to
On the Autonomous Database
Details page select Manage resource allocation to
display the Manage resource allocation
In the Manage resource allocation area, click
Show advanced options to show the advanced
Select Enable elastic pool.
Select Join an existing elastic pool.
In the Select pool leader incompartment field choose a pool leader in a compartment.
Use the compartment shown or click Change
Compartment to select a different compartment.
Select a pool leader from the list of available pool leaders in the
selected compartment.
Click Apply to add the instance to the elastic
When you click Apply the Lifecycle
state changes to Scaling in Progress. After
the Lifecycle state changes to
Available the changes apply immediately.
After you create an elastic pool, click Manage resource
allocation to see the elastic pool details. In the Manage resource
allocations area, under Elastic pool, the Elastic
pool field shows Enabled, the Pool
role field shows Member, and the
Elastic pool leader field shows a link to the pool
Join an Elastic Pool While Provisioning or
Cloning an Instance 🔗
You can
create or join an elastic pool when you provision or clone an Autonomous Database instance.
See Provision an Autonomous Database Instance for details on how to create an Autonomous Database for your
workload type using the Create Autonomous Database dialog.
To join an elastic pool the
instance must use the ECPU compute model and the workload type must be one of
Transaction Processing, Data
Warehouse, JSON Database, or
To join an existing elastic pool while provisioning or
In the Configure the database area, click
Show advanced options to show advanced options.
Deselect Compute auto scaling.
Select Enable elastic pool.
Select Join an existing elastic pool.
In the Select pool leader incompartment field choose a pool leader in a compartment.
Use the compartment shown or click Change
Compartment to select a different compartment.
Select a pool leader from the list of available pool leaders in the
selected compartment.
Shows the
steps for the pool leader to change the elastic pool shape for an existing elastic
Only a pool leader can modify the
pool shape.
To change the shape of an elastic pool (update the pool size):
On the Autonomous Database Details
page select Manage resource allocation to display the
Manage resource allocation area.
In the Pool ECPU count field, select a value that is
different than the current value
By default each instance in an elastic pool is automatically assigned a
maintenance window. By selecting a Pool ECPU count
that is 1024 greater, you have the option of assigning a custom 2-hour
maintenance window during which the leader and all elastic pool members are
patched together. To select a custom maintenance window for your elastic
pool, file a Service Request at Oracle Cloud
When you click Apply, the
Lifecycle state changes to Scaling in
Progress. After the Lifecycle state
changes to Available the changes apply
Decreasing the CPU allocation,
Pool ECPU count, to a value that cannot accommodate all
the members of the elastic pool is not allowed.
For example, for an elastic pool with a Pool ECPU
count of 256 ECPUs and a pool capacity of 1024 ECPUs: If the elastic
pool contains eight (8) Autonomous Database instances with 80 ECPUs each for a total of 640 ECPUs, the elastic
pool leader cannot decrease the Pool ECPU count to 128 ECPUs.
In this case, if the pool size were reduced to 128 ECPUs, the pool capacity would be
512 ECPUs, which is less than the total allocation for the pool members (640