Load a Fixed-Width File into a New Table

This provides an example using DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE to load data from a fixed-width source file to an external table.

For this example, the fixed-width source file has the following data:

  0INDEX01    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  1INDEX02    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  2INDEX03    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  3INDEX04    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  4TABLE01    TABLE                    2001272020012720200918VALID     
  5TABLE02    TABLE                    2001272020012720200918VALID     
  6CLUSTER01  CLUSTER                  2001272020012720200127VALID     
  7INDEX05    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  8INDEX06    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
  9INDEX07    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 10INDEX08    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 11TABLE03    TABLE                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 12INDEX09    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 13INDEX10    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 14TABLE04    TABLE                    2001272020012720200127VALID     
 15INDEX11    INDEX                    2001272020012720200127VALID     

  1. From the console, select the compartment for your Autonomous Database, and then select the link to your Autonomous Database to open the console.

    These steps are shown using Database Actions to execute the PL/SQL code, and query the data. These actions can be performed from any SQL connection, connecting to the Autonomous Database as a user with the proper privileges.
  2. On the Autonomous Database Details page select Database Actions and in the list click SQL.

    As an alternative, select Database Actions and click View all database actions to access the Database Actions Launchpad. From the Development section of the Database Actions Launchpad, select SQL.

  3. Within the SQL Worksheet, enter and execute the following code:
                 table_name      => '<YOUR_TABLE_NAME>'
    ,            credential_name => '<YOUR_CREDENTIAL_NAME>'
    ,            file_uri_list   => '<YOUR_ORACLE_OBJECT_STORE_URL>'
    ,            format          => json_object('trimspaces' value 'rtrim','skipheaders' value '1', 'dateformat' value 'YYYYMMDD')
    ,            field_list      => 'object_id      (1:3)   char
                                   , object_name    (4:14)  char
                                   , object_type    (15:39)  char
                                   , created_date1  (40:45)  date mask "YYMMDD"
                                   , created_date2  (46:53)  date
                                   , last_ddl_time  (54:61)  date
                                   , status         (62:71)'
    ,            column_list     => 'object_id      number
                                   , object_name    varchar2(30)
                                   , object_type    varchar2(25)
                                   , status         varchar2(10)
                                   , created_date1  date
                                   , created_date2  date
                                   , last_ddl_time  date');