Creating a Pipeline Task

Create a pipeline task in a project or folder in Data Integration. A pipeline task lets you configure parameter values that you want to use at runtime in a Data Integration pipeline.

Data Integration includes one default project to get you started. To create other projects or folders, see Projects and Folders.

A pipeline task in a project or folder can reference a pipeline from any project or folder in the same workspace.

In Data Integration, by default you can have simultaneous or parallel task runs of a task at a given time. To disallow concurrent task runs that are initiated manually, select the Disable simultaneous execution of the task checkbox when you create the task. When simultaneous task runs are disallowed, a run request for the task fails if there's already a task run in progress that's in a non-terminal state.

When configuring parameters from tasks that are configured to run in the OCI Data Flow service, use the following format if editing the default parameter values for OCI_DF_LOG_BUCKET and OCI_DF_ARTIFACT_BUCKET: oci://<bucket-name>@<tenancy-name>

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