Applications and Templates

To run or schedule a task to run, the task must first be published to an application.

In Data Integration, an application is a container for published tasks and their dependencies. You can create applications to use or you can use the default application in a workspace. For more information about applications, see What are Data Integration Applications.

When you create an application in Data Integration, you can use a template. An application template has predefined parameterized tasks that you can run using values that you provide. For more information about templates, see What are Data Integration Application Templates.

The following pages describe how to create applications in Data Integration and the management tasks you can perform after creating:

To run tasks or schedule tasks to run, see Task Runs and Schedules.


Tasks that are published to an application in Data Integration are run in the Data Integration service. For information about publishing to and running tasks in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow service, see Publishing to OCI Data Flow.

The following pages describe how to export and import an application:

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